CH 87.1

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At the dining table, Little Goldfish was nibbling the toast while sneaking a glance at Shi Yunnan with his small eyes.

What to do? Should he ask his little uncle or not?

Last night, he had thought about the lesson his little uncle taught him for a long time, but he didn’t understand. Isn’t it necessary to dig a hole to plant a tree?

But he didn’t have a shovel, and he didn’t have to plant a tree.

“Jinyu, what are you thinking?” Luo Lingsheng noticed his little nephew’s eyes and asked aloud, “You’ve been chewing this toast for too long.”

Shi Yunnan handed him the milk and asked with concern, “Is it too dry? Drink some milk.”

Little Goldfish held up the cat-shaped milk cup and drank mouthfuls of warm milk. In the end, he still gave up the idea of asking.

Never mind. Let’s just pretend to understand.

What if his uncle and little uncle found out that he wasn’t smart enough?

Just as he was thinking, Uncle Qin handed a notice to Luo Lingsheng, “Patriarch, this is the notice for the summer camp outing sent by the kindergarten two days ago. Please take a look.”

“Outing notice?”

When Shi Yunnan heard this, he inclined his body to peer at it with some curiosity.

Luo Lingsheng simply tilted the notice towards him, and the two of them studied it together.

“It’s a trip to an ancient town near the Imperial Capital to broaden the children’s horizons. The round trip will take five days and four nights, and according to the little young master’s homeroom teacher, it’s a free choice whether to go or not, depending on the opinions of parents and children.”

The kindergarten that Little Goldfish attends is full of children from wealthy families. Basically, they all grew up being doted on by their own family and have never lived away from home since childhood.

In addition to broadening their horizons, this short summer camp also aims to temper their most basic life skills.

“Today is the deadline, so you have to make up your mind.” Uncle Qin added.

Originally, this notice should have been handed over to Luo Lingsheng long ago, but Luo Lingsheng and Shi Yunnan were busy with personal emotional affairs two days ago, so he didn’t mention it immediately.

Shi Yunnan double-checked the notice’s contents and frowned, “They’re going to be away from home for five days? In case of heat stroke, headache, or fever, will the summer camp teachers be able to take care of them?”

Luo Lingsheng laughed softly as he heard his lover’s tone, “You were so independent as a child, but now you’re nervous when Jinyu leaves home for less than a week?”


Shi Yunnan snorted lightly and said, “That’s different.”

He had experienced it himself in the past. When he was young, it didn’t matter if he went through some hardships. But now that he was Little Goldfish’s elder and regarded him as his own son, of course he had to worry more.

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