CH 66.1

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Two days later, Luo Lingsheng’s operation was carried out as planned.

Shi Yunnan was waiting outside the operating room, and for the first time, he felt that his heart was in his throat.

Time passed minute by minute.

Shi Yunnan’s eyes fell on the closed operating room door; his posture hadn’t changed from the beginning to the end. After an unknown amount of time, his eyes began to become sore and astringent.

Qin Jian glanced at the time and approached him, “Mr. Shi, do you want to eat something first?”

Shi Yunnan shook his head.

In a highly tense state, his body became stiff.

Qin Jian and Yuan Mang, who were standing at the side, looked at each other and had to use their boss as an excuse to persuade him, “The boss said that if the operation takes longer than expected, we must keep an eye on you and make sure you eat on time.”

Shi Yunnan finally reacted a little when he heard this. He rubbed his temples, which were swollen from high tension, and sighed, “Just buy me something to drink. I really can’t eat.”


As soon as the words fell, the door of the operation room opened, and Dr. Bence, who was in charge of the operation, came out.

Shi Yunnan turned around slowly, and when he got up, his legs, which had been numb for a long time, caused him to fall down hard. Thanks to the fast reflex of Qin Jian, who was standing behind, he was quickly stabilized.

Dr. Bence knew Shi Yunnan and took the initiative to take two steps forward, “Mr. Shi, I have just treated the patient inside. Please don’t give me another patient.”

Hearing his relaxed tone, Shi Yunnan inquired cautiously with an implied expectation, “Doctor Bence, how, how is he?”

“It was similar to what was expected before the operation. It went smoothly.”

Dr. Bence spoke frankly, but he didn’t go as far as to guarantee anything, “As for the recovery after the operation and how much he can recover, it all depends on the patient’s individual physical constitution.”

He had been focusing on this medical field for so many years, and he had seen countless patients, so there was no way to uniformly generalize one result.

“I can only say that I, Dr. Michel, and our team have done our best.” Dr. Bence took the medical book handed to him by the nurse and quickly signed it with his large handwriting.

Shi Yunnan’s heart finally settled down, “Then how long will it take for him to come out?”

“Wait a little longer, in about fifteen minutes.” Dr. Benc gave a rough estimate, nodded his head and returned to the side medical room.

Shi Yunnan’s highly tense nerves were completely relaxed at this moment. He only felt that his eyes suddenly turned white, and he almost fell backwards again.

Yuan Meng and Qin Jian reacted at the same time and hurriedly supported Shi Yunnan.

Shi Yunnan was also confused for two or three seconds. After regaining his footing, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, “Now I know that waiting outside the operating room for a few hours is more energy-intensive than pulling an all-nighter.”

After a Flashed Marriage with the Disabled Tyrant (BL)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن