Unexpected Soulmate (Podrick Payne x fem!Stark reader) Soulmate AU

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When you traveled to King's Landing with your father and sisters, you never thought you'd actually meet your soulmate. It wasn't that you'd given up on finding your soulmate, far from it. It was just that King's Landing was the last place you expected to meet them, especially after Joffrey took your father's head. After that, your soulmate was the last thing on your mind.

"What did you think, my lady?" you heard Joffrey ask of Sansa. "It was well struck, Your Grace." You fought back a smile. She was finally learning to play the game. To play the obedient lady while planning your escape from the hell that was King's Landing. You kept your eyes ahead until you heard a familiar voice.

"Happy Name Day, Nephew!" You finally let your lips smile at the sight of Tyrion. You'd met him officially when the royal family had visited Winterfell before your journey to the Red Keep. You found him witty and charming and enjoyed his company immensely. He was a far sight better than Cersei and her eldest child.

Tyrion turned to you and Sansa. "I am sorry for your loss," he told you both. Before you could reply, Sansa said, "Our father was a traitor. Our mother and brother are traitors too." You frowned at her. That was something you didn't think you'd hear her say. Tyrion's expression turned sad. "Still..." he trailed off as he looked at you and said, "I'm glad to see you're doing well, Lady Y/N." You offered him a smile which he returned.

"I'm glad to see you've returned in good health, my lord." Tyrion took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. His eyes flicked to your wrist where your timer sat ticking away. "Getting close now, are we?" Your brows furrowed. You honestly hadn't even bothered to look at the timer since your father's execution. You glanced at it and sure enough, you were moments away from when you were supposed to meet your soulmate. You gaze moved to the man who had come up with Tyrion.

"Not me, love," he told you with a smirk, flashing his own timer with plenty of time still on it. You rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway. Just then, another young man came hurrying over to Tyrion. He didn't say a word. Just took his place behind Tyrion and his friend. Your eyes met his at the same instant your timer began beeping rather obnoxiously. You both jumped a bit and looked down at your wrists.

"Well, this is fortuitous. Lady Y/N, this is Podrick Payne. I do believe he is your soulmate," Tyrion said, but you hardly heard him. You were too engrossed in the dark eyes that looked back at yours. It was him. Your soulmate. He blushed and finally turned his gaze away from you. You didn't blame him. You weren't exactly alone or in the company of only friends. It was embarrassing to have these people witness such an intimate moment.

"Oh you poor dear." You turned to Cersei with furrowed brows. She merely gave you a sickly sweet smile. "A humble squire for a soulmate." You instantly got upset. How dare she say something like that? You felt the need to defend your soulmate, despite the fact that you really knew nothing about him other than his name.

"And what is wrong with being a squire? It shows that Podrick is willing to put others before himself. It takes discipline and hard work to be a squire, especially in King's Landing where one wrong move could cost you your head. Being a squire proves that he is a dedicated young man and since he is Lord Tyrion's squire, it tells me that he has at least some sense of humor and wit. I, for one, would rather my soulmate be a humble squire than a pompous lord who cares for nothing but himself. Please excuse me." With that, you rose from your seat and headed inside to cool off.

You made it inside only moments before Tyrion. "Lady Y/N." You turned to face him, your face still hot from either embarrassment or rage. You weren't sure which. "Thank you for your kind words about Pod. He really is a the greatest squire anyone could ask for." You smiled and curtsied. "Of course." The man in questioned entered the room a second later. "I shall leave you to it then," Tyrion said before making his exit. You and Podrick were left alone.

"I apologize if I embarrassed you, Podrick." His eyes went wide and he shook his head vigorously. You giggled lightly. He was adorable. "No, my lady! No one has ever-I mean-who would ever-" He stopped himself, his gaze meeting yours once more. "If anything, I would think you would be the one embarrassed. The Queen Regent is right. I'm just a squire." You scoffed and took a step closer to him.

"Podrick, there is honor in what you do. There is no such thing as just a squire. If anything, I'm honored to be the soulmate of such a man." Podrick flushed even more red. "T-Thank you, my lady." You grinned. "Please...call me Y/N." You slowly reached over and took his hand in yours. The two of you stood there, gazing into each other's eyes, as the world around you melted away. In that moment, it was only you and Podrick. Two people from different worlds who were destined to meet. Two soulmates.    

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