His "Possession" (Joffrey Baratheon x reader)

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Being married to Joffrey Baratheon wasn't exactly how you pictured your life. All the gossip about him was true. He was cruel and full of misplaced rage. He punished those who upset him brutally. Except for you. You had only been on the receiving end of Joffrey's wrath a few times and you were determined not to be there again. So, you kept your head down and your anger in check shut until the day you couldn't anymore.

You were the spouse of the king, everyone knew that. Everyone also knew that Joffrey was extremely possessive of things that he viewed as his. That drove you crazy. You weren't an object or a spot of land to be fought over and claimed. You were a person. So, when Joffrey lost his temper at your friend who was "getting a little too close", you wanted to scream.

You were standing off to the side, arms crossed over your chest, while Joffrey was laying into your friend. The Hound had your friend pinned to the wall by his throat. You wanted to walk over and punch both the Hound and Joffrey, but you knew what would happen if you did. Suddenly, Joffrey was pointing at you. "Do you see Y/N?" Your friend tried to nod in response.

"That is mine. My spouse. You are not to speak to them. You are not to even look at them. You are not allowed to be anywhere near my possessions, especially not my spouse. Is that clear? Come near Y/N again, and I will have your head." As soon as the word "possessions" had left Joffrey's mouth, you felt your anger rising.

The Hound let go of your friend and you glared ar your husband. Without a word, you turned and walked away. Joffrey followed, trying to talk to you. You ignored him completely until you made it to your chambers. You opened your door, turned toward him, and said, "Good day, Joffrey," before closing the door in his face.

Joffrey stared at the door in confusion as he heard the Hound fighting back laughter. Clearly you were upset with him, but he didn't know why. Perhaps his mother would know. Turning on his heel, Joffrey went in search of his mother, the Hound on his heels as usual.

Cersei listened intently as Joffrey complained about what had happened. "Joffrey, my sweet boy, you should not have called Y/N you property." Joffrey's blond brows furrowed. "But they are! Aren't they?" Cersei nodded. "Of course, sweetling. But people don't like to acknowledge that they belong to someone else. They need to feel loved and protected. Then, when you've earned their trust, they will bend to your will, unknowingly becoming yours forever."

"So you're saying I should break Y/N's stubborn streak by being kind?" Cersei smirked. "By pretending to be kind. Earn Y/N's trust and affection and they will do whatever you want, be whatever you want. Trust me on this." Joffrey nodded and left his mother. He returned to your chambers and told the Hound to wait outside.

Without knocking, Joffrey entered your room. You glared at him. "Have you ever heard of knocking, Your Grace?" you snapped before turning back to your book. Joffrey's face contorted with rage for a brief moment. Then, he thought back on his mother's words. His expression of anger changed to a neutral one. "I will remember that. I just came to apologize for my words earlier. You are not my possession. You are my spouse and I realize that I have not been treating you very well. Perhaps you will let me make it up to you."

You set your book down and stood. Your eyes scanned his face suspiciously. You knew he was up to something. But, you had no proof and no reason to suspect it was something bad. So, you nodded. "I forgive you, Your Grace. What did you have in mind?" Joffrey smiled. "How about a ride into the King's Wood and a picnic? You can bring your book. It is a lovely day to read outdoors, don't you think?"

You smiled slightly. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you." You picked your book up again and took Joffrey's offered arm. Joffrey hid his smirk as the two of you left your room and made your way to the stables. He knew it would take a little bit of work, but Joffrey was sure he could do it. You would become his in every way. His possession.    

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