The Trouble with Mob Bosses (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader) Mob AU

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(side of husband!Gregor. Straight up angst! Mentions of mob activities, past abuse, death/murder, violence, blood, implied sexy times and cheating, which I do not condone.) 

Sandor should have known better. He should have known what would happen. But he couldn't help himself when it came to you. Every single thing about you was like a drug to him. It didn't matter that he was lower in the mob hierarchy. It didn't matter that it could be the end of the world if the two of you got caught. And it certainly didn't matter than you were his brother's wife. The only thing that mattered was you.

The feeling of your skin under his fingertips. Of your lips on his. Of the sweet nothings you whispered in his ear when the two of you managed to sneak a few minutes alone together. Every thought of Sandor's was invaded by you. It kept him going in a world where he wanted to escape from. True, he got to kill people when necessary, but otherwise, he hated being part of something like this. Especially when his brother was head of the Clegane family and had no idea how to run it. You were the only thing that kept him there.

Neither of you had intended for the affair to start. You liked to think you were a good wife. But Gregor...was something else. He was cruel and abusive in the best of times. In the worst of times, you wouldn't be able to leave your home for days because you were so covered in bruises. Although some nights, Gregor liked to drag you from your home and show off his handiwork, as a warning to all the others. It was after one of those nights that your affair with Sandor began.

Unlike Gregor, Sandor never hurt you. Well, except for the one time he called you an idiot for marrying Gregor in the first place, but you brushed that away the moment his fingers tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear. Gregor had called you much worse things. You weren't sure how it happened and neither was Sandor, but that night, you found your lips on his for the first time. At first, Sandor tried to push you away. He couldn't do that. But then he realized that he didn't care. He'd been hiding his feelings way too long not to give into them. Gregor be damned. As it turned out, you would all be damned.

"I have to go," you whispered, untangling yourself from Sandor. Sandor huffed. He hated this part. The part when he had to go back to pretending like you weren't invading his senses at every second of the day. "Ya could leave him, ya know," he muttered, hoping you wouldn't hear. Your eyes widened in clear indication that you had heard him. "You know what he'll do to me, to you, if I try, Sandor." Sandor scoffed.

"What worse could he possibly do to me? He already ruined my face," he said gruffly and you frowned. You hated when he talked about himself like that. There was nothing wrong with him in your eyes. Yes, he had scars on his face, but that didn't ruin it. He was still ten times the man his brother was. "He could find a way to separate us forever. He could kill you, Sandor. And your face isn't ruined," you chastised lightly before leaning over to kiss him gently.

Sandor watched from the bed as you fluttered around the room trying to find all your clothes that had been scattered during your passionate rendezvous. As he looked on, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have you. While it was true you could never be fully his, Sandor would take whatever time you could give him. It was more than he deserved after all.

Once you were dressed, you leaned over to kiss him again, this time with a little more passion. A kiss to sustain you both until you could be together again. "I'll call you when I get home," you promised before leaving quietly. Sandor leaned back against the pillows and ran a hand over his face. He had gotten in too deep with you. There was no escaping it now. The pain in his chest every time you walked out the door was almost too much. He needed to be with you all the time. He only hoped that, one day, he'd be able to convince you to run away with him. He had no idea that his life was about to change forever.

About half an hour after you left, Sandor's phone rang. Recognizing the number, Sandor smiled to himself. He answered the phone only for his blood to run cold. In a voice no more than a whisper, Sandor heard you say, "He knows." That was followed by an inhuman growl from Gregor and a scream from you.

Sandor threw on his shoes, grabbed his keys, and was out the door in less than a minute. Your words kept echoing in his head as he drove. "He knows." He knew you were in more danger than you had ever been in before. He sped toward your and Gregor's sprawling estate as quickly as he possibly could. The car was barely parked before Sandor was barreling out of it in a mix of fear and anger.

The front door was open, which never boded well. Sandor pulled out his gun, prepared to eliminate any threat there was. The house was oddly quiet. No dogs running around, no sounds of your music or the television, no maids or anything. Just an eerie silence. Sandor searched the entire downstairs and found nothing. Then, he tip-toed up the stairs toward your room.

That door was slightly ajar as well and Sandor could see Gregor's back as he breathed like a caged animal. Sandor gently pushed the door open, alerting Gregor to his presence. The older Clegane brother turned with a sneer. As he turned, Sandor caught a glimpse of the carnage behind him and his throat dried. Lying on the bed, in a pool of blood, was you. Lifeless eyes stared at Sandor. Those eyes would haunt his dreams forever. "Did you think I wouldn't find out?" Gregor growled, "That I wouldn't hear about your disgusting fling with my wife, little brother? I see and hear everything! Everything!" Gregor advanced toward Sandor menacingly and Sandor pulled the trigger. Not once, not twice, but he emptied the barrel of his gun into his brother's head.

Gregor fell to the floor, twitching as the life left him. Only when he stopped moving did Sandor finally unglue his feet from their spot. He ran over to the bed and placed his fingers at your throat. It didn't take him long to feel that you were gone. Taken from him. He cradled you to his chest. Sandor let out a scream of rage as some of Gregor's men came running into the room.

Their eyes drifted over the scene in front of them. Their employer lying dead on the floor with several gunshot wounds. The wife of Gregor Clegane, loved by many, being cradled in the arms of her brother-in-law who had tears running down his face as he let out an inhuman howl of rage and despair. The men exchanged a glance, unsure of what to do. As the only living Clegane, Sandor was now the head of the family, but what if he had been the one who killed the others?

Sandor straightened up and dried his eyes. "Uh, sir?" Sandor turned to the man who dared to speak in his moment of grief. Still, he knew he had to explain what had happened. "Self-defense," he rasped out, "He killed Mrs. Clegane and tried to attack me." The two men nodded in understanding. Gregor was known for his temper after all. "Get a few men to take care of this mess. I'm in charge now..." One of the men went to round up a few more, while the other drew close to where you were on the bed.

He moved to pick you up, but Sandor snapped, "Not her!" The man jumped away and Sandor's expression softened. "I-I'll handle Y/N's arrangements. Gregor can be taken away and cremated. Y/N deserves better." The second man left the room quickly, leaving Sandor standing there, covered in your blood and fighting back more tears.     

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