Love Stolen Away (Robb Stark x Targaryen!reader)

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(Angst...just angst. And all Starks live AU)

When you had first been taken to Westeros, you didn't expect to meet the Starks. You never thought they would take you in after saving you from your captors. But, above all else, you never would have believed that you would fall in love with one of the Starks. Robb Stark to be exact.

Robb's blue eyes had drawn you in from the first moment. Then, you learned that he was a kind man who fought for what he believed in. He was a far cry from your brother Viserys, who you were extremely glad to be away from. You were flattered that Robb had taken a liking to you as well. First as a friend, which you were fine with. Then, as time went on, that friendship had grown into something more.

The two of you spent every free moment you had together. Whether you were training in the yard, taking meals together, or just sitting in the same room and reading, you and Robb got to know one another and eventually, you grew to love him and he grew to love you. It was beautiful and everything you could have wished for. Nothing could pierce your bubble of happiness. At least that's what you thought.

Arya came barreling into the hall with her mother behind her. "Y/N!" You glanced up from your studies with furrowed brows. "What is it, Arya?" The young girl steadied her breathing and replied, "We've just heard. Your sister has landed in Westeros." You blinked in surprise. "M-My sister? Daenerys is here?" Catelyn nodded. "And rumor is she is coming to Winterfell to fetch you."

"No," you whispered, "I don't want to go." Catelyn gave you a sad smile. "I know, sweetling, but Daenerys Targaryen is your family. If she insists, we cannot keep you here." You inhaled deeply and cast a glance over at Robb. You could see the pain you felt reflected in his expression. "I'm sorry, Y/N," Catelyn said before taking Arya by the arm and leaving the hall once more.

"Robb," you began, but he didn't let you finish. He came over and pulled you to him. He held you close for several moments while the two of you contemplated what your sister's arrival would mean for your relationship. "I love you, Y/N. I will fight to keep you here." You shook your head. "I love you too, Robb, but your mother is right. If Daenerys chooses to take me away, there is no fighting it. If everything I've heard is true, she has the Dothraki. No Westerosi army can fight against them and win."

"Then we will pray that she sees how deeply I care for you and not take you from me." You sighed and snuggled deeper into his embrace. You didn't want to be separated from him. Not now. You only hoped that Robb's prayer would be answered and your sister would let you stay.

*time skip*

You stood next to Robb as your sister rode through the gates of Winterfell, a few Dothraki and Unsullied behind her. It took everything in you not to grab and hold onto Robb's hand for dear life. Your heart was pounding in your chest.

Daenerys greeted the Starks as was customary, then turned to you with a soft smile. "Y/N." In an instant, she had her arms around you. You sighed semi-happily. You had missed her, that you couldn't deny. "I've come to take you with me," she whispered. You pulled back. The Starks, other than Robb, had all wandered away. "Where?"

"King's Landing." You shook your head. "No." Daenerys arched a brow. "What?" You glanced at Robb quickly. "I don't want to leave, Dany. I like it here. I've come to love the Stark family. They are my friends." Daenerys looked between you and Robb for a moment. "No, Y/N. I'm going to King's Landing to take the Iron Throne and I will have the only family I have left by my side. Go and pack your things."

"Please, my lady," Robb interrupted, stepping forward. Daenerys' eyes narrowed. "Khaleesi," she corrected. "Forgive me, Khaleesi. Please do not take Y/N from us. I love Y/N, very much. It would break my heart to lose them." Daenerys stood there for a moment, not responding. Then, she slowly shook her head. "Y/N is coming with me. Now, go pack your things, Y/N."

Without giving you a chance to argue, Daenerys took your arm and lead you into the castle. She didn't leave your side as you packed your few belongings. You had just finished when someone knocked on the door. It opened and Robb stepped inside with red-rimmed eyes. "Might I at least say goodbye?" Daenerys nodded and left to wait in the corridor.

"I'm so sorry, Robb," you told him. Before you could continue your apology, Robb had you in his arms and his lips were pressed against yours. Robb kissed you with every ounce of love and passion he possessed knowing it would be the last time. When you pulled apart, you were both breathless. "I will always love you, Y/N. No matter how far you go nor how much time passes, that will never change," he vowed, causing your heart to break further. "I love you too, Robb. Forever. I will never forget you." You kissed him deeply once more.

This time when you broke apart, you were both crying. "Farewell, my love." You needed to get out of there before the atmosphere suffocated you. You grabbed your pack and pulled the door open. You couldn't look back at Robb as Daenerys pulled you down the corridors of the castle. If you had, you would have seen his heart tearing to shreds right in front of you. Robb raced over to your window and stared out into the courtyard, watching as you mounted your horse and rode away from Winterfell. Away from him.    

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