Married Life (Jon Snow x wife!reader)

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When Jon left for the Wall, you didn't think you'd ever see him again. When your father had traveled to the Wall at the urging of the Lord Commander, you went with him. When you saw Jon, you had to fight the urge to hug him to you. After his victory over Ramsay Bolton at Winterfell, you couldn't fight it anymore. You literally jumped for joy, right into Jon's arms.

You had known Jon for years and, despite people telling you that a bastard and a highborn lady could never be together, you had fallen hard for him. He had come to love you too. So much so that, when the Northern lords named him King of the North, he asked you to be his Queen. You immediately agreed and the two of you married within a month.

You were currently leaning over a table, looking at map of Westeros. "The South will be of no help to us, Davos," you told him. You, Davos and Jon were all trying to strategize getting more men to fight against the White Walkers. All of you knew they were coming. They would soon get past the Wall and make their way South, toward Winterfell and then further until they overthrew all of Westeros. "Perhaps not, Your Grace, but we won't know unless we try." You both looked up at Jon who had been silent.

His dark eyes were flickering between you and Davos, his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists on the arms of his chair. You arched a brow in question then, realization dawned. His eyes were mainly focused on Davos, who was standing awfully close to you. Not that Davos would try anything. He wasn't interested in you that way and, even if he had been, you were married to Jon. You loved Jon and would never break your vows to him.

"Davos, leave us for a moment, please," you requested, not taking your gaze away from your jealousy-filled husband. Davos looked between the two of you and bowed slightly. He didn't want to be in the middle of whatever was about to happen. Good or bad.

As soon as Davos was gone, you smirked. "Do I sense a bit of jealousy from my husband?" Jon glared at you, making you laugh. You came around the table and climbed into Jon's lap. "You have nothing to be jealous of, my love." Jon's hands came up to rest on your waist and he gave a slight squeeze. You jumped a little, but Jon noticed. A rare grin appeared on his face. He did it again and this time, you yelped.

"Jon Snow, if you do that again, I swear you will regret it." Jon scoffed and squeezed once more. You couldn't had your laughter anymore. "What was that, love?" Jon asked through his own laughter. From the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of the piece of pie Jon had been eating. Smiling sweetly, you kissed Jon, distracting him. You reached over for the pie and pulled back from the kiss just in time to smear the sweet treat all over his face.

For a minute, Jon merely stared in disbelief, but you knew that as soon as he came to his senses, he would pay you back for that. You scrambled off his lap and crossed the room as quickly as you could. You didn't make it far before Jon's strong arms wrapped around you. You squealed in delight, the noise echoing through the empty room.

Jon placed a kiss to the back of your neck before taking one hand and transferring some of the smeared pie onto your shoulders, neck and hair. "Jon, stop!" you cried through your giggles. Jon stopped, but only long enough to spin you around and repeat his action all over your face. "JON!" The new king finally stopped and looked at you with a cheeky grin. "Now I need a bath," you whined. Jon laughed heartily and kissed your nose. "I believe you're right."

Jon pulled away and offered you his hand. You took it and the two of you made your way down the hall to your chambers. You grew serious and said, "Jon, you know I am yours. I will never want anyone else." Jon stopped and faced you. Even with his face covered in pie, you could see the sadness. "I know. I not want to think of what it would be like to lose you." You kissed him and smiled. "You will never have to." You began walking again, pulling your husband behind you. 

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