A New Day Dawning (Robb Stark x fem!reader)

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(Robb lives AU! WARNINGS: mentions of pregnancy and childbirth.)

A sharp cry in the middle of the night jolted Robb from sleep. He sat up and turned to see you, his wife, clutching onto your swollen stomach. "Y/N?! Is it?" You nodded, unable to speak through the pain. Robb threw back the furs on the bed and pulled on his robe. "I shall fetch the Maester," he told you, trying to keep the frantic tone from his voice. The two of you had been waiting for so long for your child, but now that it was time, Robb was nervous and panicking a little. What if he wasn't a good father?

He quickly roused the Maester and flew back toward your chambers. "I'm sorry, my lord but you must remain out here," the Maester said gently once they reached the door. Robb's brows furrowed and his face grew warm. "I will do no such thing. My wife is in there and I will not let her go through this alone!" You let out another cry from inside and Robb pushed passed the Maester. "Y/N." He ran over and grabbed your hand.

"Robb, you shouldn't be in here," you panted through the pain, "It's not proper." Robb quirked a brow and practically growled, "I don't care. I'm not leaving your side until our babe has been brought into this world." You knew it was pointless to argue and you didn't want to as another wave of pain hit. In truth, you were grateful Robb was there. Not many women got to boast of their husbands being in the room when their children were born.

Soon, just as the sun began to rise, the wailing of your babe filled the room and you relaxed against your husband. "A girl, my lady." You smiled as Robb kissed your sweaty temple. Then, you felt another stab of pain. "Wait, what?" The Maester handed the babe to the septa before returning his gaze to you. "My lady, I am afraid you will have to push again. There appears to be another." Robb's eyes widened. "Another?!" The Maester nodded.

It only took a few moments for your second child to enter the world. "Another girl." You couldn't help but grin. The septa and Maester brought the girls over and placed them in your and Robb's arms. "Look at you, my beautiful girls," Robb spoke in hushed tones. His gaze moved between you and his two daughters and his heart swelled with pride. He had a stunningly gorgeous wife that had just given him two beautiful children.

The light of the rising sun shone through the windows, brightening the room. The Maester and septa bowed and left the room, leaving Robb there with his new little family. "Thank you, Y/N," Robb whispered. You glanced up at him in confusion. "Thank you for being the best wife a man could ask for and for giving me our daughters." You cocked your head to the side.

"You are not disappointed they are not sons?" He shook his head. "Of course not. There will be plenty of time for that in the years to come." He laughed at the glare you gave him. You carefully stretched to kiss his scruffy cheek as one of the girls cooed. You and Robb laughed and returned your gazes to your daughters. After a moment of serenity, you looked back up at your husband.

"So,what shall we name them?" Looking at the girl he held, he smiled."The eldest I believe should be named after my father's sister. Lyanna Stark, second of her name." You agreed readily. "And the younger?" he inquired, shifting his eyes to the daughter you held close to your chest. You looked toward the window and smiled. "They were born at dawn. A symbol of a new day and new beginnings. Dawn." Robb leaned over and kissed all three of you on the head, one at a time. "Dawn...it's perfect."^��3�|

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