New Year's Kiss (Robb Stark x fem!reader) Modern/Royal/Famous AU

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If there was one thing you liked about New Year's Eve parties, it was that you could blend in with the crowd. As a popular singer, you were always in the spotlight so it was nice to have a break. If there was one thing you didn't like about New Year's Eve parties, it was the fact that all your friends who had invited you were together. You were the only one in the group that wasn't with someone. But this year, things were going to change for you.

You saw him across the room when he first walked in. Your eyes honed in on him like they couldn't help themselves. Not that you blamed them. He was gorgeous. A head full of auburn curls that complemented his stunning sapphire-colored eyes and a full beard covered his cheeks. You couldn't put your finger on it, but he looked really familiar. You bit your lip, which didn't go unnoticed by your friend, Jon and his girlfriend Ygritte.

"I can introduce you, Y/N." You looked at him in surprise. "Can you?" Jon nodded then lead the charge toward the handsome stranger. "Robb," Jon's deep voice easily cut through the din of the party. The stranger, Robb, smiled at Jon before giving him a quick hug. "Good to see you, Snow. And you as well, Ygritte." He turned his blue eyes to you. "Robb this is Y/N. Y/N, meet Robb." You stuck out your hand and Robb took it. Not only did he shake it, but he place a light-as-a-feather kiss to the back of it.

Ygritte pulled Jon away to where everyone was dancing. "Not a fan of big parties, I take it?" You smiled and replied, "Not exactly. It's hard to enjoy a party when everything you do is criticized. But Jon asked me and I find it hard to say no to him...especially when Ygritte is there too. She's pretty stubborn." Robb laughed heartily. "I know what you mean. Jon is my cousin and he's been with Ygritte for years." You both grew quiet for a minute before Robb struck up conversation with you again. You talked for what felt like hours. Robb was very easy to talk to, surprising you. You hadn't had a real conversation in what seemed like a very long time. Well, except for the short conversations you had with fans and friends on rare occasion.

"I'll be back in a bit," Robb said suddenly and you nodded. You watched as he headed for the bathroom. The tension in the air rose as you glanced down at your watch. About twelve minutes until midnight. All the couples in the room were drawing nearer to one another, making the air around you nearly stifling. You seemed to be the only one in the room without a partner to kiss at the stroke of midnight. Sighing, you let your gaze flicker around the room.

After a few moments, you saw Robb emerge from the bathroom and smiled. At least there was someone there you could talk to. You started to make your way over to him but stopped short when a beautiful young lady attached herself to his arm. You frowned. You knew Talisa pretty well, but you'd never seen her draped all over a man like that. As far as you knew, she had her sights set on the prince of another country. Your eyes went from Talisa to Robb. Even from across the room, you could sense his discomfort. His eyes were begging someone, anyone, to come save him. And that's what you did.

Crossing the room quickly, you plastered a smile on your face. "There you are, Robb! You were gone an awfully long time." You took his hand in yours before turning to Talisa. "Thanks for finding my boyfriend, Talisa!" Talisa let go of Robb's arm. "Boyfriend?" You beamed. "Yep. It's a new thing, but we're fairly close already." Robb let go of your hand in favor of wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer. You glanced up at him, your noses practically touching.

"Forgive me. I didn't know. Have a nice night, Y/N. Your Highness." You froze as Robb's blue eyes widened for a second before closing. "H-Highness? You're royalty?" Robb opened his eyes again and nodded sheepishly. "I didn't think anyone would recognize me. I'm a prince. The prince of Winterfell, a small province in the north of the country of Westeros. Thank you for saving me from that woman." You blinked at him in surprise. A prince. Your handsome stranger was a prince. "Y-You're welcome."

"THREE MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT EVERYBODY! THREE MINUTES!" a voice cried out. It was then that you realized how close you still were to Robb. If you moved just a bit closer, you could have kissed him. And his lips were certainly inviting you to do just that. And his gaze was intense it sent shivers down your spine. You backed away and cleared your throat. "I think it's time for me to go. Goodbye, Ro- I mean, Your Highness." You turned from him and ran to the nearest door that lead outside. This one lead to the roof. Once outside, you breathed a sigh of relief. You needed air now more than anything.

You could still hear the party going on below you while you looked up at the night sky. You couldn't see any stars for the clouds that were sprinkling a light dusting of snow on the rooftop. You didn't mind. It was peaceful to you. It was possible for you to lose yourself in the atmosphere up there and you probably would have if not for the chorus of voices beginning to count down.

"TEN...NINE...EIGHT..." You vaguely heard the door opening behind you. "SEVEN...SIX..." You turned and saw Robb standing there. The countdown continued below you. Robb took large strides toward you. As the countdown reached two, his hands grasped your face and when it reached zero, Robb's lips descended on yours in a fiery kiss that took your breath away. Cheers from downstairs carried up to you, but you couldn't have cared less. Robb's kiss was everything to you in that moment. And it was over far too soon for your liking. "Wow," Robb breathed out, making you giggle. "Wow indeed. Happy New Year, Robb." Robb gave you a dazzling smile. "Happy New Year, Y/N."    

(a/n: Thank you all again for all the reads, comments and votes! When this book hits 200 parts, I will be starting a 3rd GoT book!)

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