Go With It (Jaqen H'ghar x fem!reader) Modern/Fake Marriage AU

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You had no idea why you agreed to meet your friend in a pub. You hated pubs. You could have met in a cafe or even a bakery. But no, you just had to agree to a pub. And now you were kicking yourself. Your friend was late as usual and that seemed to call to the other patrons of the pub. You had been sitting alone with your drink for maybe twenty minutes when the first man approached you.

"Hello, beautiful. Here alone?" You fought the urge to roll your eyes. "Not for long. Please excuse me." He got the message and left you alone. The next man was a bit more clueless. Without asking, he plopped down on the barstool next to you. For a moment, he didn't say anything. Then the flirting started. It didn't seem to matter how many times you rebuffed him, he kept coming back for more. You were getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. Where was your friend?

Just as you were about to yell at the guy who would not leave you alone, you felt a hand on your shoulder. "There you are, darling. I hope you can forgive me for being late." You didn't recognize the voice, but you forced a smile on your face and looked up. Blue eyes met yours and you froze for a minute. You lost your words. He gave you a little wink, as if he were asking you to play along. Your smile widened a bit.

The blue-eyed man turned to the one flirting with you. "Thank you for keeping my wife entertained while she waited. Work keeps us busy and I'm a lucky man to have such an understanding wife." He didn't take his hand off your shoulder. "If you're married, where's your ring?" You began to panic. Nothing slipped past this guy. "We don't like to wear them to places such as this. Too many people willing to steal from others." You reached up to rest your hand on the stranger's. Grumbling, the man got off the barstool and walked away. You let out a breath, letting your hand slid off your savior's.

You looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you for your help. He really wasn't getting the hint." He grinned at you. "Anything to help such a lovely young woman." You felt yourself beginning to blush and decided to try and refocus attention. "Do you always come to save damsels in distress?" He laughed a little. "Only the ones who seem worthy. I am certain you could have handled him on your own, but he didn't seem to want to leave." You nodded in agreement. You reached out and offered a hand. "I'm Y/N." He took your hand and gently clasped it between both of his. "I'm honored to meet you. They call me Jaqen."

You and Jaqen spent the rest of the night talking and drinking, even after your friend finally arrived. You drank more than Jaqen, but he never once tried anything. In fact, he was a perfect gentleman. "So what is it that you do, Jaqen?" He didn't answer for a moment. "I cannot reveal too much. Let's just say I work for a special sector of the police department." You nodded and took another drink.

You glanced down at your watch and sighed. "It's getting late. I should go. Thanks again for saving me earlier." You stood up and swayed a little. Jaqen caught your elbow. "Perhaps I'll give you a ride home. I've only had one drink and that was hours ago." You smiled and nodded. You instantly wished you hadn't as your head started swimming. Jaqen chuckled and helped you out to his car. Once home, you and Jaqen exchanged numbers, but you had no hope of ever hearing from him again.

*time skip*

Much to your surprise, you and Jaqen stayed in contact for months after meeting in the bar. In fact, you talked almost every single day. You and Jaqen grew closer and closer as time went on. He still couldn't tell you what exactly it was he did, but it didn't really bother you. You understood security clearance and all that. But, the two of you found other things to talk about. You hadn't seen each other again in person, but you learned as much about each other as you could. And then, six months into your friendship, Jaqen texted you.

I have a bit of time this evening and I was wondering if you'd like to meet for dinner? -Jaqen

Like...a date?

You could practically see his smile when his reply came through. If you would like it to be, I would honored to consider it a date. -Jaqen.

You wanted to roll your eyes at how formal he was, even over text. Still, your insides fluttered at the thought of a date with Jaqen. After all, the man was gorgeous and he was the one you spent most of your free time talking to. Why would you want to at least go on one date with him?

I'd like that. Meet you at 6?

Jaqen's response came through quickly and you glanced at the clock. That didn't leave much time. You scrambled up to shower and get ready for your date. You didn't know why you were so nervous. It was Jaqen after all. It wasn't like you needed to try and impress him. If he was still talking to you and asking you out, then he was already impressed. So why were the butterflies in your tummy going haywire? You took a deep breath, trying to rid yourself of your nerves. It was just dinner with Jaqen.

You finished your shower and decided that you didn't want to overdo it by dressing up too much. So you settled on one of your favorite outfits. It wasn't too dressy, but not too casual either. You felt comfortable and that helped to settle your stomach a bit. By the time you put the finishing touches on your look, it was time to go if you didn't want to be late.

You arrived just before six. You could see Jaqen through the window. He liked to sit near a window whenever he went out. You knew he liked to be able to see as much as possible. He waved at you through the glass and you grinned. He looked like a movie star. He wore a button up shirt with a jacket, but no tie. His hair was pulled back off his face a little to prevent it from getting in his face and food. And the way he smiled at you made your knees shake. You didn't understand why you were acting like a lovesick teenage, but you knew you couldn't stand outside forever.

Jaqen stood as you approached the table. He took your hand in his and gave it a slight squeeze. "You look lovely. I must be the envy of everyone else in the room." You rolled your eyes playfully, but couldn't wipe the smile off your face. "You look great, Jaqen. Thank you for inviting me out." Jaqen pushed your chair in before sitting back down.

He didn't speak much during the meal, but you could tell something was on his mind. After dessert, you sat back in your chair. "Jaqen, are you going to tell me what this is about?" He looked up at you with those blue eyes and sighed. "Forgive me," he started, "I am not used to anyone being able to see through me the way you do. In truth, I have been wanting to do this for a long time, but never had the courage." You cocked your head to the side. "To do what?" Jaqen licked his lips in a uncharacteristic fashion. That was how you knew he really was nervous about something.

"Y/N, from the moment we met, I knew you were worthy of many good things in this life. The way you simply went along with my ruse even though you did not know me. It brought something to my attention that I didn't even realize. I've always lived such a lonely life. No family and few friends. I realized I do not want that anymore. I wish to belong somewhere. To have someone I can grow to love. I had hoped that I could have that with someone who understands me. I had hoped to have that with you."

You merely stared at him for a moment before your lips spread into a smile. "Jaqen...are you saying you want a relationship with me?" He nodded, but refused to meet your gaze. "I don't want to be invisible anymore. I don't want to be another no one." You reached over and placed your hand on his. He looked at you. "You aren't no one to me, Jaqen. I'd love to give a relationship with you a try." Jaqen's smile then was worth all the riches in the world.    

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