Mistake Identity (Tormund Giantsbane x fem!Mormont reader)

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(Slight seasons 6&7 spoilers!)

"Be on your guard, cousin," Lyanna cautioned and you smiled at her. She was so much younger than you, but was wise beyond her years. She was definitely worthy of the title she wore of Lord of Bear Island. In truth, the title should have belonged to your brother Jorah, but he was exiled to Essos and your father had left for the Night's Watch. Therefore, your aunt had taken over as Lady of Bear Island and when she died, the seat was given to Lyanna.

"Dear Lyanna, I can take care of myself," you told her with pride, still wearing your soft smile so she knew you meant no disrespect, "We were victorious in reclaiming Winterfell for the Starks. I am certain no one here means any harm to us." Making sure no one was around, you leaned down and kiss the top of her head. You knew she wouldn't want anyone to see. "Now, I'm sure you have duties to attend to dear cousin. I'm going to explore Winterfell." With that, you turned on your heel and left your cousin.

You hadn't made it far when you met someone along the corridors. A mass of fiery red hair was the first thing you noticed. Brilliant blue eyes were the second. You jumped when he appeared around the corner. "OH! Forgive me!" you exclaimed, pressing your hand over your heart. The man in front of you let out a chuckle. As soon as it left his mouth, you knew it was a sound you'd remember for the rest of your life. It was deep and rich, not like other lords, who were too concerned with being proper. "Nothin' ta forgive," he replied.

You curtsied and introduced yourself. "Y/N Mormont." He arched a brow. "Tormund." You cocked your head to the side in confusion. "Of what house?" Tormund tried to choke back his laughter, but couldn't. You looked so confused and he found it endearing. "Ya southerners and yer houses. Never saw any need fer that." It was then that it dawned on you. "You're a wildling."

He laughed again, throwing his head back. When he calmed down, he looked back at you. You didn't look very amused. "We're Free Folk, girl." You crossed your arms over your chest. "You needn't laugh at me," you muttered. It wasn't your fault you'd never seen a wildling before. Tormund heard you. "Didn't mean no harm by it, girl."

"I'm not a girl. I am a woman. A lady," you huffed and Tormund fought the urge to laugh again. His eyes scanned your form and he licked his lips. You flushed and rolled your eyes. "Men," you said before turning and heading back the way you came. "Wait a second," Tormund called after you. He quickly caught up. "What?" you asked, no longer in the pleasant mood you had been. "You've got spunk. I like that," he stated, taking you by surprise.

Most men that you met didn't care for your type of personality. Most lords wanted their women to be quiet and reserved. They wanted a woman who would be there to advise them, but not really have a strong opinion of her own. A woman who would sooner bear children than try to lead in any way. "Um, thank you," you said softly.

"I saw ya on the battlefield. Ya fight almost as good as any man I've ever met." You smirked and immediately retorted, "I could say the same thing about you." For a brief second, Tormund just stared at you open-mouthed. Then, he started to laugh again and you joined in. You couldn't help it. His positivity was contagious and the fact that he laughed at your quip when other men would have been insulted made you really begin to enjoy his company.

You began spending more and more time with Tormund after that. The two of you would spend hours joking back and forth. Often times, your jokes were of a more flirty nature. Tormund was never once put off by your sense of humor and, before you realized it, days had turned into weeks, weeks into months. You knew that Tormund would eventually leave, but you were going to enjoy your time with him while you could. You never expected Jon to send him away.

"Do you really have to go?" you asked Tormund when he told you what Jon had said. He nodded, not even bothering to look at you. You frowned deeply. You weren't sure how you felt about your best friend leaving. You weren't even sure if friends were all the two of you were. All the flirting had lead to the lines between friends and something more becoming blurred. Something in you was nearly desperate to cross the that line completely now that he was leaving. You didn't want him to go without giving him everything you had.

"Tormund?" you asked and he finally looked at you. Despite the feelings raging inside you, you smirked like you always did when flirting with the wildling. "I've always wondered something about the Free Folk." Tormund immediately caught onto your mood and smiled a little. "And what's that?" You bit your lip. "I wonder if you're as wild in every aspect as you are in battle, especially in bed."

Tormund's eyes widened in surprise for a brief second. No one else would have noticed. Then, in typical Tormund fashion, he laughed. He took two large steps toward you and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Would ya like ta find out first hand?" You reached up and cupped the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you. You whispered, "You better believe it." Tormund picked you upand tossed you over his shoulder. He carried you to his chambers, not caring who saw, where he showed you that the rumors were indeed, very, very true.     

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