Business Affairs (Jaime Lannister x fem!reader) Modern/Business AU

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(Also a Jaime x Brienne pairing as well as a Ramsay Bolton x wife!reader. CHEATING! Violence, mentions of past abuse, mentions of divorce, a little bit of fluff. Just a whole lot of stuff really. and it's long. Please note that I do no condone cheating and I am not an advocate for divorce.) 

"We really shouldn't do this," you whispered against his lips. You could hardly focus on anything other than the feeling of him pressed up against you. You knew it was wrong, beyond wrong even. If word got out what you were doing, it would not end well at all. But something drew you to him. "I you want to stop?" he whispered. You pulled back slightly and looked into those beautiful green eyes. Jaime scanned your face as he waited for your answer. "No," you breathed out, kissing him with every bit of passion you could.

You shook the lustful memories from your head and tried to focus on the meal in front of you. The guilt was almost eating you alive. You never saw yourself as being "the other woman" but you were. What was worse was that, not only were you married as well, but you were carrying on an affair with your close friend's husband.

You wanted to blame him. You wanted to blame her. You wanted to blame your husband, but you couldn't. This was on you. It takes two to begin something like what you and Jaime had going on. Sure, you could both say it happened because Brienne was focused on work so much. Or you could say it happened because your husband Ramsay was an abusive prick, but no one would believe you. Instead, you let the guilt begin to consume you. But once you were with Jaime again, all the guilt disappeared as if it had never been there to begin with.

"You're not eating, Y/N. Something wrong?" Ramsay asked, bringing you back to reality again. "Of course not," you assured him, but your voice cracked a little. Ramsay's eyes narrowed and you gulped. If he suspected anything, you were as good as dead. Ramsay wasn't the kind of guy to let things go, especially not what you were doing. In his eyes, he could have as few or as many affairs as he wanted, but you were his and his alone. "Fine. But if you don't start eating, I'll have to drag you to the hospital. We don't want that, do we?" You shook your head. The last time you were in the hospital was because Ramsay had "accidentally" pushed you down the stairs. He told everyone there that you had fallen and they believed him. Since then, you avoided the hospital.

"Oh, I have lunch with Brienne tomorrow...I hope that's alright," you told him after you finally took a bite of your food. Ramsay looked at you for a moment before giving you one of his false smiles. "That's perfectly fine. Brienne is a respectable woman and as long as Jaime Lannister isn't there, then I have nothing to worry about. Do I?" You did your best to smile and reassure him that he had absolutely nothing to worry about. You only prayed he didn't see through your lies.

You did have lunch with Brienne, really, but you cut it short so you had time to meet with Jaime. For some reason, the two of you couldn't get enough of one another. There was something there. It didn't matter how wrong it was. For you, it was because you felt loved and cherished. You never felt that with Ramsay. What you had with Ramsay wasn't love-making. It was almost rape sometimes. With Jaime it was different, but you would never admit it out loud. After all, your relationship was purely physical. Or so you thought.

Jaime wasn't himself when you met with him. First off, he was late. That never happened. Then, he wanted to take things slow. That didn't bother you so much, but it was odd. Slow was something that was reserved for weekends when Ramsay was out of town on business. Not for a middle of the week romp. Afterwards, he wanted to hold you. Again, you weren't complaining, but it wasn't like Jaime at all. You had no idea that he would drop the bombshell he did.

"I met with my lawyer the morning," he told you. You were resting on his chest, your hair sticking to the sweat there. "You mean Tyrion?" you asked. Jaime hummed in response. "Is everything alright?" You glanced up so you could see his face. His green eyes instantly met your (e/c) ones. "I don't know. I-I decided to ask Brienne for a divorce." Your eyes widened. "WHAT?! Jaime, why?" This wasn't the first time he'd mentioned leaving his wife, but it was the first time he'd actually used the "d" word.

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