The Lost Lion (Lannister Family x fem!reader)

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"Ya comin' or not?" Bronn asked you and you nodded. You were a sellsword and had been traveling with Bronn for long time. He had taught you how to fight and how to take care of yourself. The man had been your best friend for years, almost like a brother. He wanted you to be able to live without having to depend on a man.

You left the Eyrie, trailing after Bronn and Tyrion Lannister. The three of you traveled until you reached the Lannister encampment. Tyrion lead you both straight toward his father's tent, where Tywin and Jaime Lannister were both discussing battle strategy. You immediately felt the tension in the tent when you all entered.

You could tell an argument was about to break out when Tywin Lannister's eyes landed on you. The way he stared at you made you uncomfortable and Bronn could tell. He put a protective hand on your shoulder. "What are you staring at, Father?" Tyrion asked, glancing back at you. Tywin looked to Jaime who nodded. "She-She looks like...Could it really be her?"

"Who now?" you asked, suddenly over your discomfort. Tywin turned his face back to you. He walked over until he was right in front of you. Without warning, he reached over and grabbed your chin. He tilted your face up to get a closer look. You regarded him with wide eyes, eyes that he knew so well. He knew without a doubt that his hunch was right.

"You look just like your mother, Y/N." Your brows came together. "How do you know my name?" Tywin chuckled and dropped your chin. "Because you're my daughter." You took a step back, shaking your head. "No I'm not. My parents abandoned me when I was a baby. I'm an orphan. Bronn is my only family."

Tywin frowned. "You're not an orphan. You were taken from us when you were practically a babe. We searched for years but never found you. Your mother was convinced you were dead. Then, she died and the search died with her," he glanced at Tyrion at that last statement. "No!" you cried, catching all the men by surprise.

You turned and fled from the tent, your eyes filling with tears you thought you'd cried out long ago. Everything you'd known your entire life was a lie? You weren't meant to be a sellsword but a lady? You had been born into a world of privilege and snatched from it. You had parents and siblings, one of whom you'd been traveling with for weeks now and you didn't even know it.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" Tyrion asked, coming up behind you. You shook your head. "No. How would you feel if you found out that everything you'd ever known was a lie?" Tyrion sighed. "Look, my father has no love for me, but you? It is clear that he cares for you at least a little. You are the lost lion. I grew up hearing tales about you." You sniffled and Tyrion took your hand in his smaller one. "You should at least talk to him."

"Only if you come with me." He nodded and the two of you walked back to Tywin's tent. " and I are siblings." You chuckled at Tyrion's attempt to lighten the mood. "Apparently." You took a deep breath as you pushed open the flap of Tywin's tent. The green eyes of both Tywin and Jaime turned to you and you froze.

Tywin didn't say anything, but Jaime came over to you. "Y/N...I never thought I'd get to see you again." He pulled you into a hug, but you didn't return it. You couldn't hug this strange man. He pulled away. "Sorry," he whispered before walking out of the tent. "Are you going to be alright?" Tyrion asked and you nodded. "Call me if you need anything," he said before following Jaime.

"I know all this must be a lot to take in," Tywin said, offering a seat across from him. You sat down. "You don't know the half of it, my lord." Tywin's lips downturned. "You don't need to call me 'my lord'. I am your father." You shrugged. "By blood perhaps. But I do not know you. I never had the chance. I was practically raised by Bronn. He is my family."

Tywin didn't respond, for once not knowing what to say. "I appreciate the sentiment, Lord Tywin, but I am no Lannister. If you'll excuse me, I need to find Bronn." You stood and moved to leave. "Wait." You looked back at him. "You are a Lannister by blood, Y/N. You are my daughter. I am sending you to Casterly Rock where you will be safe." You laughed in his face. "No. I will fight alongside Bronn and Tyrion, as I have been. You will not stop me."

You left the tent, one hand gripping the hilt of your sword. Who did that man think he was, trying to order you around? Father or not, he had no right to interfere in the life you'd grown accustomed to. If he truly cared about being your father, then he wouldn't try to force you to change. Then and there, you were determined to show him that while you hadn't grown up as a Lannister, you had a Lannister's fighting spirit and stubbornness. You were going to show him just what you were made of. 

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