Change of Scenery (Gendry Waters x fem!reader)

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You couldn't remember the last time you ran so much. You were a lady and ladies didn't often run. But in this case, you were desperate. You had thought you'd be safe from men like these inside the Red Keep with King Robert. How foolish you were. Of course the knights of the Kingsguard, forbidden to marry, would find other diversions. In this case, the diversion was coming after you. No one seemed to be able to do anything about it permanently, so you ran.

Taking a chance, you ducked into the nearest place in the city. You hoped the knights hadn't seen you and would run right passed. "Hey, you shouldn't be in here!" a voice snapped. You turned around to see a young man staring at you intently. He opened his mouth to yell at you again just as you heard the hurried footsteps of the knights outside. You lunged forward and clamped your hand over the young man's mouth.

"Please," you pleaded in a hushed tone, "Please don't send me back out there." The man glanced toward the entrance of the smithy. You both heard the voices getting closer. "Where is she?" one snapped. Your eyes widened in fear and you looked back up at the man in front of you. "Please." He carefully removed your hand from his mouth. He jerked his head over to a spot where you would be concealed.

You thanked him quietly and darted over. You had hidden yourself just in time for the knights to enter the smithy. "Boy! Have you seen a woman? A lady?" Your savior snorted in derision. "Do I look like I've seen a lady? How many ladies do you know come into the smithy?" You smiled to yourself. At least someone in King's Landing was looking out for others.

After a few moments, you heard the knights leave. "You can come out now." You slowly stepped out of your hiding place and really got a look at your savior. He had dark hair that stuck to his forehead due to the heat of the forge and brilliant blue eyes that you wanted to spend all day staring into. The muscles of his arms popped out when he moved and sweat glistened on his toned chest. It took everything in you not to stare.

You shook yourself out of your thoughts. They wouldn't do you any good here. "Thank you," you finally managed to squeak out. He nodded, but didn't say anything. You figured he wasn't used to interacting with many people since he seemed to spend the majority of his time in the smithy. You went to exit, but turned back around. You licked your lips. "Um...perhaps you would be kind enough to escort me back to the Keep? I don't want to risk running into those men again."

He seemed reluctant, but nodded anyway. "Thank you again." The young man cleared his throat. "You're welcome, my lady." You smiled and offered your arm to him. "None of that nonsense. Y/N will be fine. Anyone who saves my life gets to call me by name and not title." The blacksmith stared at your arm and shook his head. "I wouldn't want to soil your dress, my l-Y/N." You waved off his objection. "It's only a dress. I can make another." Without listening to another protest, you linked your arms together.

He stiffened at first, but quickly relaxed when you grinned at him again. "Do you have a name, or should I just call you Mr. Blacksmith?" you quipped and he actually laughed. "Gendry, my lady. Gendry Waters." The look of surprise on his face when you gripped his arm more tightly told you that he had been expecting you to turn and run when you learned he was a bastard. "Well, Gendry Waters, you are my hero today. Is there anything I can do to repay you? Name it." He shook his head as you began your walk to the Keep. "Nothing."

While you walked, you talked to Gendry. At first, he didn't appear to want to talk. It was as if he felt awkward. But after a few minutes, he gave in and began to join in the conversation. By the time you reached the gate of the Red Keep, you felt as if you'd made a new friend. "I hope to see you again before we leave King's Landing, Gendry. And thank you again." You leaned over and kissed his soot and sweat covered cheek, despite his protests. You didn't wait for him to reply. Instead, you turned and entered the Keep.

*time skip*

Gendry was working again, but his mind was far from blacksmithing. It had been since the day you'd run into the smithy. Since the day you'd unexpectedly befriended him and kissed his cheek. Gendry didn't see many women in his line of work and none who didn't look at him in disdain. The ladies that typically visited King's Landing weren't like you.

Gendry wasn't stupid. He knew what he was. He was bastard who was always covered in soot and sweat. His social skills were limited to those who came into the smithy to purchase weapons and armor. He was low born and not anyone of consequence. So it was a surprise when you spoke to him like an equal and treated him like a friend. And it was an even bigger surprise to him when he couldn't get you off his mind no matter what he tried.

He was lost in thought when his master snapped at him. "Gendry. Get out here." Gendry stopped what he was doing and pulled off his gloves. He came around to where his master was and nearly stopped short. You were there on a gentleman's arm. You smiled at Gendry. "There he is, Father. The young man who saved my life even though I interrupted his work." For some reason, Gendry felt a sense of relief when you addressed the man next to you as your father. He wanted to scold himself. He had no right to feel that way.

Your father looked at Gendry with a soft expression. "Thank you, young man. My daughter has told me of your efforts to save her. I wish to reward you in some way, but first, I would love to see something you've crafted yourself." Gendry's master nodded. "Then feel free to look around, my lord. I am on in years. Gendry has crafted nearly everything here." Your father surveyed everything in the smithy with Gendry's master while you drew closer to Gendry himself.

"You didn't have to do that, my lady." Your eyes narrowed at him. "I told you, it's Y/N. And yes I did. You save me when most people would have turned me away and let those knights do whatever they wanted. You are a hero, Gendry." Gendry wasn't sure what to say to that, but was saved from answering anyway when your father returned.

"Young man, I have an offer for you." Gendry turned to your father in surprise. "I could use a man like you. You are obviously very skilled at your craft, but that talent is wasted here. There are at least a dozen other blacksmiths in King's Landing. I wish for you to return to our home with us. A place where you can really explore your talent. A change of scenery, if you will. However the choice is yours. I know my daughter would be pleased to see you every day."

Gendry blushed and looked at you. You had your lip between your teeth, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. "Father," you whispered. Gendry could see your embarrassment and it made his own rise. But he thought you looked adorable. He didn't have to consider your father's offer very long. He was right. There was stiff competition in King's Landing and Gendry would love a chance to further develop his craft. Getting to see you more often was a happy bonus.

"We'll give you some time to decide," your father told him. "I don't need it, my lord. I accept." Your father beamed. "Wonderful. We leave in the morning." Gendry nodded and you left with your father, but not without one last glance at the young blacksmith. Once you were gone, Gendry's master clapped him on the shoulder. "Are my eyes deceiving me or is there something between you and that young lady?" Gendry blushed again. "'Course not," he muttered, but he couldn't help but hold onto some hope that maybe there might be something between you in the future.    

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