Between Lions and Wolves (Jaime Lannister x fem!Stark reader)

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You shared everything with your twin Robb. The two of you told each other everything. So, when the king visited Winterfell and you found yourself falling for one Jaime Lannister, there was only one person you could tell. Robb. Needless to say, he instantly went into protective brother mode.

"He's a Lannister, Y/N. I don't want you to get hurt." You smiled at him. "Robb...nothing is going to come of it. I already know that. I just needed to tell someone what I was feeling before I exploded." With that, you kissed him on the cheek and happily skipped away, unaware of the person hiding in the shadows.

Tyrion had heard your little confession to Robb and, while he normally wouldn't interfere with his brother's love life or lack thereof, he couldn't help but want to this time. Anything to get Jaime away from Cersei, if the rumors were to be believed. He was going to get Jaime to spend more time with you and maybe, hopefully, he'd start feeling the same way for you that you were beginning to feel for him. Whatever Tyrion did, he'd have to do it quickly, before it was time to leave Winterfell. After that, Tyrion would lose his chance.

A grand feast was held a few nights after the king's arrival in Winterfell and that was where Tyrion decided to make his move. He noticed your eyes traveling to Jaime every so often. To his surprise, his found Jaime's riveted on your face more often than not. Tyrion smiled to himself. He was going to help his brother win your affections.

"Jaime?" Jaime tore his gaze away from you and looked at Tyrion. "There seems to be a shortage of men here and I can see that the eldest Stark daughter is dying to dance. Perhaps you'd like to do the honors. I would, but I'm afraid I don't meet the height requirement." Jaime gave Tyrion a suspicious look as if to ask, "What are you up to?" but Tyrion simple held his smile on his face. A soft laugh caught Jaime's attention. He turned to find you looking at Tyrion and shaking your head fondly.

"You underestimate yourself, my lord," you stated before turning your gaze to Jaime, "But I would be honored to dance with Ser Jaime, if he would be so inclined." Jaime could feel everyone's eyes on him. a quick glance around the room showed several hopeful faces at the table, except Cersei. Cersei looked like she was sucking on a lemon. Still, the look in your eyes wasn't one that Jaime was inclined to ignore.

He flashed you a charming smile. "I'd be delighted." He got up and offered you a hand. You took it with a smile, letting him lead you down to where the others were dancing. Once down there, Jaime cleared his throat. "I must confess that I don't really know how you Northerners dance." You giggled and offered to show him.

Jaime caught on quickly enough and began to dance. As you danced, you and Jaime spoke to one another and Jaime found himself having more fun than he'd had in a while. Your joy was contagious. But what surprised Jaime the most was the fact that you were shyly flirting with him and that he was easily flirting back. It wasn't something he normally did, but there he was. You were both so caught up in your dance that neither of you noticed the looks you were receiving from the table.

"They seem to be enjoying each other's company," Tyrion commented, leaning back in his chair with a smile on his face. "Indeed they do, Lord Tyrion. I have not seen my daughter quite so happy or carefree in some time. It makes this mother's heart soar," Catelyn replied. While Catelyn had no love of the Lannisters, her main wish was for her children to be happy, healthy, and safe. And it was true. Catelyn had never seen such a bright smile on your face before. While you were happy, or at least content, most of the time, your face rarely sparkled with such joy and hope. And Catelyn just knew that, given the chance, love would blossom between you and Jaime Lannister.

"It is sweet, isn't it?" Cersei's sickly sweet tone dripped from her lips like poison, "Just a shame that my brother must return with us to King's Landing to fulfill his duties as a knight. Perhaps it would be best to warn your daughter not to get too close to him. I would hate to see such a lovely child so broken." Catelyn's face fell while Tyrion's twisted with anger. Even Robert, who didn't care for Jaime, looked like he wanted to slap Cersei.

Cersei moved to call Jaime from where he was dancing with you, but Robert placed a hand on her arm. "Let them alone, Cersei. Your brother's got few chances to enjoy his time and if wants to enjoy it with the Stark girl, then you better damn well let him. She's a good match for him." Tyrion nodded, his expression returning to neutral. He wasn't expecting to have Robert on his side, or rather yours, but he'd take whatever help he could get.

"She is a kind young woman and perfect match for our brother, Cersei. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they really do hit it off well. Perhaps Jaime would even give Father what he's been after all these years." Cersei's face contorted in rage for a moment and Tyrion smirked. He knew exactly what to say to press his sister's buttons and that was it. Secretly, he was hoping he was right and that Jaime would leave the Kingsguard and marry someone worthy of him. Someone like you.

"And I've half a mind to let him, if he asked. But only for her," Robert declared. Apparently that was enough for Cersei. She opened her mouth to yell at Robert, but Catelyn's voice stopped her. "Now where did they slip off to?" Cersei closed her mouth, remembering where she was. She couldn't let her jealousy get the better of her. Not here. She followed Catelyn's gaze and realized that you and Jaime were nowhere to be found.

Outside, you took a deep breath of fresh air. "Thank you for accompanying me out here, Ser. It was getting rather crowded in there," you stated, looking up at the night sky. Jaime smiled lightly. "Of course, my lady. You shouldn't be out alone in the dark." You gave a shrug. "I am safe here, but I appreciate your concern...and your attention this evening. It has been wonderful."

Jaime gave you another, wider grin. "I agree. I can't remember the last time I was so relaxed." You laughed. "Well perhaps you should come to Winterfell more often." Jaime pondered for a moment before replying, "Only as long as you are here to keep me company." You smiled. "Then forever then. I don't plan on leaving Winterfell anytime soon. I have no prospects of marriage at the moment and even if I did, I could not accept them."

"And why is that?" Your smile drooped a bit and you sighed. "Because my heart is unsure of what it wants, Ser. How can I promise my hand to another if my heart is pulling me in a completely different direction? I thought I knew what I wanted, but I have never been more unsure in my life." Jaime watched your expression go from happy and carefree to melancholy. He wanted the happy you back. "What changed, if I may ask?"

"You, Ser Jaime. You came into my home and my life. You've made me question myself. I didn't know that I could ever feel this way about anyone. But I do. When I look at you, my heart begins to race and when you speak, I know I could sit and listen for hours because I want to know everything about you. I don't know if what I am feel is really love, but I'm willing to bet everything I have that it is."

Jaime was silent. His mind was processing what you'd just said. You thought you were in love with him. That was something Jaime really had no experience with. What he felt for Cersei wasn't so much love as it was dependence and normalcy. It was possessiveness. It wasn't like that with you. He didn't want to own you, he wanted to earn your love and respect. He didn't want you to have to depend on one another. He wanted you to want to depend on each other, to tell each other everything. Was it love? Jaime didn't know, but part of him wanted to find out.

He licked his lips. "My lady..." You shook your head and sniffled. "No, it's alright. You don't need to say anything. I knew nothing could some of this." You turned to walk away, but Jaime's hand caught yours. "You should let a man finish speaking before you run off, Lady Y/N. It's very rude." You laughed lightly at his sarcasm and turned back. "Very well."

"As I was saying, I can't give you what you want. Not now at any rate, but I am willing to try. I-I've never been in love, Y/N and I have no idea what we're doing, but you make me want to take the risk." You beamed up at him, tears of joy spilling over your cheeks. "Do you mean that?" Jaime nodded.He brought a hand up to cup your cheek. "May I try something?" You didn't wait a beat before nodding. Slowly, Jaime brought his lips closer to yours. He was giving you a chance to change your mind, but you didn't. After what seemed like an eternity, Jaime finally kissed you. You sighed dreamily and Jaime wrapped his free arm around your waist, pulling you closer. Neither of you noticed Cersei watching you, a look of pure rage etched on her face.    

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