Just Good Friends (Bran Stark x reader{platonic}) AU

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(All Starks alive and non-paralyzed Bran!!)

You laughed from atop your horse as Bran missed his target again. "Stop laughing at me!" he grumbled, but you saw a hint of a smile on his face. That was the kind of relationship you had. You could tease and poke fun at one another all day long. You spent every free minute together. People actually thought you were courting, which of course, you weren't. You and Bran had practically grown up together and, while you were close, neither of you had any intention of courting the other.

"Come on, Bran! Race you back to the stables!" you called and urged your horse into a gallop. Bran called out your name, but you soon heard the sound of his horse following after yours. You smiled. These were your favorite kind of days. The days where you and Bran could just relax and spend some time together. Whether it be out riding, practicing in the training yard, or just reading together, you enjoyed spending time with your best friend.

"I win!" you cried as your horse made it to the stables just a split second before Bran. "You cheated," Bran said softly and you rolled your eyes. "And you, my young lord, are a sore loser." He stuck his tongue out at you and you both laughed. "What shall we do next?" Bran smirked and you winced. You knew what was coming. Something Bran had always been better at than you. Climbing.

You dismounted your horses and ran over to where you both could climb easily. "Don't let your mother catch us," you said with a chuckle. Bran rolled his eyes and waved off your warning. You both started climbing, but didn't make it far. "BRANDON STARK! Y/F/N!" You cringed a little hearing Lady Stark call you by your full name. You glanced up and saw her head poking out of her window. You looked to Bran. He looked white as a ghost. "Sorry, Lady Stark," you called up as Bran said, "Sorry, Mother." You both scurried down the wall.

By the time you made it back to the ground, you were both laughing. "I don't know what to do now," he admitted and you shrugged. Then, you grinned. You poked his nose. "You're it! Catch me if you can!" you cried, running off quickly. Bran stood there in surprise for a minute, but he followed after you. He chased you through the corridors of Winterfell and all through the courtyard. You passed by Lord Stark. "Slow down," he called after you both, laughter making his voice shake.

Everyone the two of you passed simply shook their heads and laughed. They had grown used to your antics. You also ran by Sansa and Arya. Sansa simply rolled her eyes, but Arya soon joined in your game and so did Rickon. "I'm on Y/N's team!" Arya cried. You laughed and continued running, not caring that your legs were on fire.

Finally, you were struggling to breathe and you felt an arm wrap around you. "Caught you!" Bran was out of breath too, but he had caught you. You laughed. "Now you have to catch Arya. Good luck with that." Bran letyou go. "Together?" You grabbed his hand and nodded. "Together!" The two of you ran off, hand-in-hand, after Arya and Rickon. Oh, yes, these were definitely the days you loved the most. Spending time with your best friend, just being young.    

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