The Bear and Two Maidens Fair(Jaime Lannister x platonic!fem reader)

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(slight!Brienne of Tarth pairing)

Your heart ached for them. Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth. You never expected them to be treated so brutally. You had been sent to recapture Jaime by Roose Bolton, but you didn't think he'd been tied to a tree along with Brienne. You didn't think Jaime would get his hand chopped off along the way. After that, you refused to leave their sides. You were going to protect them, woman or not. Apparently that was a problem for your lord and his other bannermen.

Jaime Lannister had been sent on his way while you and Brienne had been forced to stay behind. That should have been a warning. That should have told you just how deep in trouble you were. When they began to whistle that stupid song, "The Bear and the Maiden Fair", you knew something was going to happen to you in Harrenhal.

That was how you found yourself fighting for your life against the bear with Brienne. The bear seemed gigantic to you, but that was probably due to how close you were. Either way, you had to admit you were frightened. Even if you survived, you wouldn't leave that pit unscathed, especially with only wooden swords to defend yourselves. You couldn't deny that part of your mind was saying you were going to die. Of all the ways you thought you'd go, this was never on the list.

You glanced at Brienne. She was bleeding. Her pink dress, along with her skin and hair, was caked with dirt. She wore a look of fear that you were certain mirrored your own. Above you, the Bolton soldiers were still singing that ridiculous song. They were cheering and heckling as you and Brienne tried to keep your distance from the beast.

It didn't take long for your swords to be broken by the bear. Brienne ended up shoving you behind her and she attacked the bear herself, getting knocked down in the process. You were about to charge the animal yourself, if only to get Brienne out of there, when someone hopped onto the ground next to you. Jaime.

"Get behind me," he growled to you and Brienne. "I will not," Brienne answered, but Jaime pushed you both back. The bear came for Jaime, but was stopped by someone shooting an arrow at it. Arguing started above you, but you didn't care. You were too focused on getting out of there. The three of you backed up to the wall and Jaime called for the others to pull you and Brienne up.

Brienne scurried up onto Jaime's back and got pulled up, but you stopped. "I'm not leaving you in here, Jaime." He scoffed. "Now isn't the time for heroics, my lady. Get up there. I will follow you." He looked back up at you with a small smile. "I promise." With his word, you clamored up onto his back and were pulled out of the pit. You and Brienne both laid down and reached as far down as you could to reach Jaime and pull him up. You got him up just in time.

As soon as you could, three of you were out of there. After the betrayal of your own people, you decided to travel with Jaime and Brienne to King's Landing. "Why did you come back for us?" you asked Jaime one day when everyone else was sleeping for the night. Jaime didn't reply for a little while. In fact, he was so quiet, you thought he'd fallen asleep.

"You showed me a kindness no one else really has. You listened when I told you about what happened with the Mad King and you believed me. You didn't treat me like everyone else treats a Lannister and you never treated me like a prisoner. You protected me and Brienne from worse treatment. You didn't deserve to be thrown into that pit with nothing but a wooden sword to protect you."

Jaime looked over at you when he'd finished his speech and you smiled. Jaime really wasn't how people portrayed him. He truly had a kind spirit that he hid under Lannister arrogance. He was capable of deep compassion and his time as a prisoner seemed to have humbled him, at least a little. "You didn't deserve to be treated the way you were, Jaime. Not when you didn't give them cause to."

You reached over and patted his remaining hand. "I promise to get you safely to King's Landing, even if it costs me everything. You deserve to get back to you family." Jaime stared at you in disbelief for a minute. "Why are you being so kind? What is in it for you?" You snorted out a soft laugh. "it's what friends do, Jaime."

"Friends?" You nodded. "Yes, Jaime. Friends. You don't got through everything you, Brienne, and I have been through together without coming out of it as either bitter enemies or friends on the other side. I'd say we're friends." Jaime sat and thought for a minute. He really hadn't had many all. He had Cersei and Tyrion. Those were his friends, but he really didn't think siblings counted as friends. Jaime smiled to himself. He liked the feeling he got when he thought of having true friends. "Friends then."    

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