For the Reward (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader) AU

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(An AU based on the movie "Anastasia".)

"We are never going to find anyone," Tyrion stated, making Sandor sigh. For weeks now, they had been looking for a girl to pretend to be the lost Baratheon. Neither man had any love for the family, but they were offering a substantial reward to anyone who had information on the missing girl and an even bigger one for anyone who could find her.

Thus, Tyrion and Sandor's idea was born. Find a girl who could pass as a Baratheon and claim the reward. Unfortunately, the two hadn't had any luck whatsoever. None of them acted like a Baratheon and if they didn't look enough like one and they didn't act like one, there was no point. It was beginning to seem they weren't going to find anyone. The longer time went on, the less likely the reward.

"Don't know I why I agreed ta this," Sandor grumbled as the two walked back to the deserted palace they were hiding in. "Because, since my father cut me off and fired you, we both need money. I want to get back in the good life, and you could too," Tyrion replied, taking a bite of his apple. Sandor shrugged. "Fine."

The next day, they were back at it again, trying to find a girl to pass off as a Baratheon. And once again, they had no luck. Sandor was at his wits' end. He didn't realize that luck would finally be on their side once again. You would think a boarded up, abandoned castle would scare most people away. That wasn't the case.

A loud crash caught his attention. Grabbing up something to use as a weapon, Sandor made his way down to the main part of the castle. He moved much more quietly than a man of his build usually did. Tyrion followed behind as his curiosity got the better of him. Sandor stopped short when he saw a small figure in the middle of the room.

You were gazing around with wide eyes. Something about that palace seemed so familiar. It was as if something was tugging at the back of your mind, struggling to break free. Dreams you'd had since you were a child, or maybe even memories. You weren't sure, but you knew they had never been as strong as they were now.

You continued turning in circles until you saw two people standing on the landing. You let out a little shriek of surprise and took off running. You didn't even hear the bigger man's footsteps until his arm wrapped around your waist. You fought against him. "Calm yerself, girl," he rasped in your ear. You stopped struggling, frozen in fear at the voice.

The arm let you go and you whipped around to face your "attacker", hand poised to slap him. The giant of a man caught your wrist easily. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Clegane here doesn't take kindly to being struck." Your eyes narrowed, but you nodded. Sandor let go of your wrist. "What are ya doin' here, girl?"

You crossed your arms over your chest. "My name is Y/N and, for your information, I'm looking for someone called Sandor. I was told he could help me get passage to Dragonstone." Sandor and Tyrion exchanged a glance. Looking at you, they could see a close resemblance to Stannis Baratheon. "Well, he's Sandor and I'm Tyrion. We happen to be heading to Dragonstone ourselves and we have an extra ticket. However, that ticket is for the Lost Baratheon."

"Who?" Tyrion went into detail of what had happened to the poor girl who had lost her family and you couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Like you, she had lost everyone that had meant anything to her, although you didn't even remember your family. You had no idea where you came from. The only clue you had was Dragonstone. You explained this to both men.

"So, if she's lost and I don't remember who I am, who's to say I'm not the lady or princess or whatever she is?" Sandor and Tyrion exchanged a glance. Sandor nodded and tried to keep the smirk off his face. The reward was as good as theirs.

*time skip*

During the trip to Dragonstone, Sandor and Tyrion drilled you about every aspect of the Baratheon family and your "life" before your disappearance. To Sandor's surprise, you often had memories surface they didn't tell you. Perhaps you really were the Baratheon girl.

Even more of a surprise was that Sandor was beginning to feel things for you. The longer you were together, the less and less he thought about the reward. You were feisty and outspoken. You knew how to defend yourself when necessary, but you also knew how to act like a lady. You didn't take any crap from anyone, not even Sandor and Tyrion. It was like you really were a noble lady.

Then, one day, when the two of you were alone, you told him of dream you'd had, about how you had gotten lost in the first place. In Sandor's mind, it clicked. You really were the Baratheon. He had to tell Tyrion.

"She's the real deal, Lannister," he told Tyrion quietly. "We have to tell her." Sandor opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by your voice. "Tell me what?" They turned to look at you and their jaws dropped in surprise. You looked stunning. Like the higherborn woman you were. Your dress was a perfect shade of (f/c) and your (e/c) eyes sparkled merrily. Sandor's words caught in his throat, but he offered you his arm and led you inside to the ball Stannis Baratheon was hosting.

From the moment Stannis Baratheon set his eyes on you, he knew you were his long lost niece. Something in him just knew. In a whirlwind, everything changed for you. You found yourself being pulled in all directions physically and emotionally. In all the craziness, you hadn't had a moment to talk to Sandor or Tyrion. To thank them for everything, even though you knew they had only done it for the reward.

A few days after their arrival, Sandor and Tyrion stood in the room with your uncle. Stannis pushed a chest of gold toward them. "Your reward." Sandor exchanged a glance with Tyrion. "Thank you, my lord, but we cannot accept," Tyrion said. Stannis' eyes widened in surprise. "You want no reward?" Sandor looked at his feet and muttered, "Nothin' ya can give." Stannis looked at Tyrion who smiled softly and nodded. "Ah. I see. Well then, good day gentlemen."

Sandor left the room first, nearly running into you. "Sandor. So...I guess this is goodbye. You'll be off to some exotic country to spend your reward." Sandor grunted. "And ya found yer family." You nodded and smiled sadly. "Yes I did. Thank you." Sandor didn't respond. He felt like he'd just been dismissed from your presence, from your life. He decided to just leave.

You stood there, watching him walk away with a frown on your face. "He didn't take the money, Y/N." You turned to see Stannis and Tyrion there. "What?" you asked in shock. "He didn't take the money. He couldn't." Your brows furrowed. "Why not?" Tyrion chuckled merrily, but it was Stannis who replied, "You mean you can't see it? The man loves you."

It only took a second for Stannis' words to sink in. In that second, you practically flew down the stairs and out the doors of Dragonstone. You never thought that Sandor would return your feelings. You weren't even sure how you'd come to fall in love with him in the first place, but you had.

Once outside, you scanned the palace grounds for Sandor's retreating form. He was already further down the steps than you expected him to be. "SANDOR!" you cried out, racing down the stairs as fast as you could in your gown. The man stopped and turned back to you.

He barely had time to catch you as you threw yourself into his arms and pressed a kiss to his lips. He was stunned. He broke away from your lips and stared at you. "W-What was that for?" You laughed, breathless from the kiss."That was a thank you and this? This is because I love you." Before Sandor could answer, you kissed him again. His arms tightened around you, holding you closer. Your lips against his was better than any reward he ever could have gotten.    

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