Tough as Nails (Tormund Giantsbane x fem!reader)

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Tormund was in awe. He'd never seen a woman like you before. So beautiful and yet so deadly. You fought with the best of them and had survived numerous battles during your travels with the Brotherhood without Banners. You had sharp mind and quick wit that helped to keep you alive. You were tough as nails and Tormund liked that. Hells, he loved it and he wasn't afraid to admit it.

He kept a constant eye on you during the Battle of the Bastards. His gaze never left you for long. Then, afterwards, he still watched you and followed you around like a little lost puppy dog. It was really beginning to irk your nerves, to be honest. You wanted him to leave you be for five minutes. And finally, one day, you'd had enough.

Tormund was once again following you. One hand was on the hilt of his sword as if he were afraid someone would attack you at any given point. He wasn't even trying to be sneaky or hide the fact that he was practically your shadow. You groaned and stopped in the middle of the corridor. Tormund actually didn't notice in the nearly dark space.

When he was right behind you, you whirled around and pinned him to the stone wall by his throat. "Why are you following me?" you growled out. For a moment, the Wildling simply stared at you. You pushed your forearm into his throat a little harder and spat out your question again. There was a fire in your eyes that made Tormund smile. Oh yes, he was head over heels for you.

Like all of the Free Folk, Tormund wasn't afraid to let his emotions show. He wasn't afraid of giving in to passion. And passion was exactly what was coursing through him at that moment. So, he gave in. Instead of answering your question, Tormund grabbed the arm that was pinning him, and pulled you even closer, so your chests were touching. Before you could tell him off, he captured your lips with his.

You froze in shock for a moment. Then you pulled away. Tormund was staring at you with wide eyes. You glared at him. You couldn't believe the audacity of the man in front of you. So many emotions ran through your body in that moment, you didn't know what to do. You grabbed hold of the easiest emotion. Anger. Without even pausing a beat, you drew your fist back and punched Tormund in the nose.

Tormund let out a loud curse and you smirked. "That's what you get for kissing a lady without her permission." You huffed and turned to walk down the corridor. Tormund watched you go with a smirk on his face. He wouldn't be kissing you without permission again, but he sure wasn't going to give up in his pursuit unless you specifically told him to. He needed someone like you by his side.

*time skip*

"He's staring again," Brienne muttered to you and you shrugged. You were in the practice ring with her. You had no time to worry about the likes of Tormund Giantsbane. "Let him stare. As long as he doesn't kiss me again." Your face heated up. Brienne was the only one you'd told of the interaction between you and Tormund, although he was sporting a broken nose and a black eye from where you'd hit him.

Brienne laughed for a moment, but stopped. "He's coming this way." Rolling your eyes, you straightened up. You turned and sure enough, Tormund was making his way over. "Not bad. But you've got nothin' on the Free Folk when it comes to fightin'." He had his sword in hand and looked like he was ready for a challenge. You cast a glance back at Brienne, who nodded.

No sooner had you turned back to Tormund did he strike. You barely managed to block his blow. "Got to be faster than that, Y/N." You snorted and attacked. The only sound between you for a few moments was the heavy breathing. You were the first to speak. "One moment, you kiss me out of nowhere and the next you're challenging me in the ring. I'm confused. Do you like me or do you hate me?"

"I don't hate ya. This seems to be the only way I can get ya to talk to me." Silence fell again with the exception of swords clanging and panting breaths. The two of you fought until dark, when everyone else had wandered back inside to escape the cold air of winter. Neither of you would give an inch. Your muscles and lungs were on fire, but you refused to surrender to the man in front of you. Until he knocked you flat on your back with one kick.

You felt the wind being knocked from you as you hit the ground. You were almost positive that he'd broken one of your ribs. "I yield," you panted and Tormund chuckled. He came over and offered you hand. You winced as you got up, pain shooting through your ribcage.

"Are ya alright?" You nodded, but hissed in pain when you tried to walk. "No yer not. I didn't mean to break yer ribs." You laughed and wished you hadn't. "We're even. Nothing to be done for it except get a wrap from the Maester." Tormund nodded. He noticed your trouble walking and decided to take action. He scooped you up in his arms despite your protests. Actually, you didn't mind as much as you pretended to. It felt nice to be in his arms.

Tormund carried you to your chambers and laid you on your bed. "Don't move. I'll be back," he warned playfully and left the room. True to his word, he was back a few minutes later with a wrap from the Maester. "I'll get ya a lady to help ya." You shook your head. "It's late. I don't want to disturb anyone." You felt your face getting hot again. "Could you help me?" you asked and Tormund nodded.

Despite all your misgivings, Tormund was a true gentleman while he helped you. He kept his eyes and hands to himself as he wrapped your ribs. You didn't complain or cry. "Ya really are tough as nails, Y/N. I've not met another like ya that wasn't one of the Free Folk." You laughed lightly. "Thank you. I've worked hard to become 'tough as nails' as you put it."

"I like that. I like ya." You smiled and let him finish wrapping you up in silence. He helped you back into bed and covered you up. He turned to leave, but you reached out and grabbed his hand. "Stay with me a while? "Tormund grinned and agreed readily. He sat down, not taking his hand out of yours. You stayed that way until you both fell asleep and that was how Brienne found you the next morning. Asleep with your hands still clasped together. 

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