The Kennel Master's Daughter (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader)

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Sandor surveyed his surroundings with a distrustful glare. He didn't want to be in Winterfell. He was only there because of his job, which of course he hated. The only saving grace was that Prince Joffrey was often wandering around the grounds with Sansa or attached to his mother's side. That meant time for Sandor away from the little brat. Time to sit by himself and contemplate where his life was going.

People would be surprised how often Sandor did that. Thought about life. He had never wanted to be the sworn shield of Joffrey Baratheon. He had wanted a quiet life, preferably one of solitude where he could work to his heart's content. But of course, his scarred and scary face made that nearly impossible. The only work he could get was as a sworn shield or a sellsword. And he didn't fancy being a sellsword. However, Sandor knew that eventually, he'd either grow tired of being Joffrey's guard or he'd kill the boy. Either way, he couldn't do it forever.

It was during one of these thinking sessions that it happened. Out of nowhere, a large brown dog came bounding over to Sandor. The beast jumped and placed his paws on the giant of a man and yapped playfully. His tail was wagging and his ears perked up. Obviously he was looking for attention and Sandor had a soft spot for dogs. Checking to make sure no one was watching, Sandor reached out and scratched the dog behind his ears.

Meanwhile, you were panting down the path toward the edge of Winterfell's gates. "I'm not made for running," you muttered to yourself. You cursed your cousin for leaving the kennel door open yet again and letting Dravar out. He was the one dog who hadn't been fully trained yet so of course, the dog had taken off running the minute he saw the opportunity. That meant you had to run after him, something you didn't fancy at all. You were a little bigger than most Northern women and you hated running. It wasn't really your fault. It wasn't like you didn't work. You did. Your curves and extra "chub", as you called it, were here to stay.

Sandor had sat down with his back against the stone wall of the castle and the dog laid down next to him, his head on Sandor's lap. Sandor continued to pet the canine absentmindedly until he heard someone panting and they were drawing closer. The dog picked his head up and he barked. It was a happy bark, so Sandor didn't immediately draw his sword. He trusted dogs and their judge of character.

"!" Sandor looked up and saw you standing there. Your hands were on your hips and your chest was rising and falling with each deep breath. The dog placed his head back on Sandor's lap and he whined as if he knew he was in trouble. "Dravar, come here." Reluctantly, Dravar rose from the ground and made his way over to you. "Sit." Once the dog had done what he was told, you looked up at Sandor who had stood up.

"Thank you, Ser. I was afraid Dravar was lost to us. He's still a puppy in a sense." Sandor gave a little nod. "I'm not a knight. And I didn't do anythin'. He came ta me." You smiled and rolled your eyes playfully. "Still. Thank you for keeping him with you, Mr..." You trailed off hoping Sandor would supply you with a name. That was a little surprising. Everyone knew who the Hound was. If they'd never seen him, they'd heard stories.

"Clegane. Sandor Clegane." You curtsied a little bit. "Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Clegane. Even if you aren't a knight, you certainly were mine today." Sandor just looked at you. He wasn't sure how to reply. No one really spoke to him the way you were now. Like an equal. Most people looked down on him or greeted him with disgust. They never called him their own knight. He was so thrown by your behavior, he didn't realize you were still talking to him.

"Is there anything I can do for you in return?" Sandor shook his head and you sighed. "Please? You must want something." Sandor disagreed again. You shrugged. "Very well. Then I suppose this is goodbye, Mr. Clegane." Sandor began to respond when Dravar decided to break loose from your hold and take off running again.

"DRAVAR!" Without saying anything to Sandor, you took off after the dog again. Sandor watched as you ran off for a second before making up his mind to help you. That dog was quick and you were already winded from your earlier run. So, Sandor followed after you. With his large gait, he quickly caught up and then passed by you. You slowed a little as he flew by.

Dravar was quick, but not quick enough. Even ambling his way through Winterfell and the woods outside, he was easily caught by Sandor. The man scooped the dog up in his arms and carried him back to where you were. You were gasping for breath just outside the wood line. Once again, you amazed at the strength of the man standing in front of you.

"He's hurt," Sandor told you. You glanced at Dravar and saw that Sandor was right. There were several cuts and abrasions on the animal in your charge. So much so that, when Sandor put Dravar down, the dog couldn't walk. Sandor picked him up again. "Which way?" You directed him toward the kennel's your family managed.

"You're the kennel master?" You shook your head. "His daughter. I take care of the dogs. Feed them, keep them clean, and take care of any wounds. My father trains them. Dravar hasn't finished his training which is why he ran off." Sandor grunted in response and let you lead him to where you could take care of Dravar's injuries. Only then did he hear Joffrey's voice calling to him. He groaned and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Sandor glanced at you over his shoulder. "W-Will I see you again?" Sandor shrugged. "Probably. I'll come check on the beast tomorrow." You couldn't fight the smile on your lips. "That would be wonderful. He likes you." Instead of answering, Sandor left, leaving you with hope of seeing him the next day.

You didn't know what it was about the man, but he had you enraptured. You weren't going to admit out loud that you were admiring his physique while he was running. He was definitely strong. His muscular legs propelled his body weight forward easily. It was a mesmerizing sight and you weren't sure if you liked it because you found him attractive or if you were slightly jealous. You wanted your own body to be as toned as that. But still, you weren't going to deny that Sandor's muscles made your mouth water.

Then of course, there was his quiet nature. The kind of quiet nature that made a good hunter. But of course, you knew who he was. As soon as he'd told you his name, you'd known. He was said to be a dangerous man. A heartless and remorseless man who didn't care who he hurt. You didn't believe that. Dravar would never have let you near such a man. No. Had Sandor been a threat, Dravar would have protected you with everything he had. That alone told you that there was good in Sandor.

Sandor came to the kennel every day afterward to check on Dravar. The first few days, there were very few words exchanged between you. But after a while, you managed to squeeze and entire conversation out of him. And then another. By the end of a fortnight, Sandor spent most of the day with you and Dravar. You never pressured him to speak, but Sandor found it easy to talk to you. Especially because you didn't treat him like a monster.

Over those days, you grew to care for Sandor as a person. Did you love him? Probably not. At least not yet. Could you come to love him? Absolutely. He wasn't who everyone thought he was. He was the killer people made him out to be, but no one saw the softer side of him. Not like you did. Yes, you truly believed that, given the chance, you could fall in love with him. But you weren't sure you'd even get the chance.

The doorway darkened one evening and you didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. Sandor stood there and looked like he was confused. "What is it?" you asked. "'M leavin'. Tomorrow. The king has decided it's time ta return ta King's Landing." You felt your heart sink to your feet.

"Oh..." you whispered nearly inaudibly, "Will I ever see you again?" You took a chance to look up into his brown eyes and waited for his reply. "Don't know. Could be." You didn't want him to leave, but you knew he had no choice. "I hope I shall. I've enjoyed your company. So has Dravar." At the mention of his name, the dog barked. He was almost fully healed and came prancing over to Sandor.

Sandor reached down and pet the top of Dravar's head. "Take him with you," you muttered. "What?" You gave him a sad smile. "Take Dravar with you. I have a feeling he's a good fit for you." Sandor looked between you and the large dog next to him. After several minutes of consideration, Sandor nodded. "Good. And take remember me." Before you could lose your nerve, you stepped up on a chair and kissed Sandor fully on the lips. Then, you ran, leaving Sandor gaping after your retreating form. Dravar barked again and Sandor had to force his lips to remain in their usual scowl. He left the kennel with Dravar in tow and your kiss on his lips. He would definitely remember the kennel master's daughter.    

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