Trading Places (Ramsay Snow{Bolton} x fem!reader)

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(Very brief, non-descriptive, mentions of torture at the end)

You cursed yourself for not watching where you were going. You had found Theon, but before you could free him, you'd kicked over a bucket. The sound echoed throughout the room and you both closed your eyes. There was no way that would go unheard. You were right.

The door to the room was pulled open and Theon shuddered. "Well this is a surprise." Without asking, you knew who that was. Ramsay Snow, bastard son of Roose Bolton, had a reputation as a mad dog. He would kill mercilessly after toying with his prey. Ramsay approached you slowly and lifted a hand. He pushed a strand of hair from your face. "I was wondering if you'd make it this far. I see I shall have to flay a few guards." You fought the urge to roll your eyes. Of course he had known you were there.

"The question remains, why you would even attempt to free my prisoner." You didn't answer and looked at Theon. Ramsay roughly grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "Answer me, girl." Your glared hardened and you refused to reply. "Fine. Since you refuse to obey commands and answer my questions, then I'll remove your tongue so can't."

You barely reacted, but Theon did. "Leave her alone. She has done nothing." Ramsay dropped your chin and got in Theon's face. He muttered something. You and Theon both shivered. The whispered threats were worse than yelling. "Let Theon go," you said, making Ramsay look at you in surprise. "She can speak. Why should I let young lord Greyjoy go?"

"Because he is nothing to you. He has nothing without the Starks. He doesn't even have the power to bring you the Iron Fleet. His own father wants nothing to do with him. Why should he mean anything to you?" Theon wanted to be offended, but he knew you were trying to save him. You'd been friends for a long time.

Ramsay chuckled darkly and stepped away from Theon back over to you. "And what are you to me? I could take you by the hair and flay you in front of everyone and feel no remorse for it." You jutted out your chin in defiance. "I am the daughter of the lord of a small house with a massive army. We number 10,000 very well trained men. My father would trade his army to have me back...alive."

You waited with bated breath as Ramsay looked deep in thought. You hoped your plan would work. His blue eyes bounced between you and Theon. You could see the wheels turning in his head. One Greyjoy who had no real power or the daughter of a lord with an army he'd be willing to trade? It was a difficult choice to make for the Snow. If he made the wrong decision, he would lose whatever upper hand he had. However, if he made the right choice, his father would legitimize him. "We have an agreement, my lady."

Ramsay let Theon down. Theon stood on shaky legs and hugged you. "I'll get you out of here, I promise," Theon whispered and you shook your head. "No, Theon. Don't. I'll be fine. Just get out of here." He pulled back and looked at you with wide eyes. It wasn't often that the Greyjoy was struck speechless, but you were sacrificing yourself for him. Ramsay called in the guards and told them to escort Theon out.

Once Theon was gone, Ramsay turned back to you. "Now then...what to do with you. I could kept you here. Torture you like I did Greyjoy. Or I could find other means of torture that are much more pleasant. What to do, what to do..." You felt your knees shaking as you waited for Ramsay to decide your fate.    

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