Unknown (Petyr Baelish x fem!reader)

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There weren't many people in Westeros that Petyr Baelish didn't know, or at least know of. That is until he saw you. Petyr came into the Vale, bowing his head at Lady Lysa Arryn. Then, his grey-green eyes landed on the young lady next to her. You. "Lord Baelish, allow me to introduce my new ward. Y/N of House Y/L/N." You curtsied as etiquette dictated, but your eyes never left Petyr's.

"House Y/L/N? I have not heard of it. It must be a small house." You nodded slightly. "it is indeed, my lord." Petyr nearly ignored Lysa as your eyes captured his again. There were secrets hidden behind those (e/c) orbs. Secrets Petyr was determined to uncover. "And your liege lord?" You glanced at Robin. "Young Lord Arryn of course." Petyr could tell you were simply saying exactly what was expected of you. You knew how to play the game.

Lysa smirked at your answer. Petyr took your hand in his and kissed the back of it. "It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady." You smiled slightly. "The pleasure is mine, my lord. I trust you will have a comfortable and educational visit." Petyr gave you one of his calculated smiles. This was going to be a very interesting visit indeed.

One day, Petyr sighed as soon as the door closed behind him. It was exhausting pretending to be in love with someone. Especially when that someone was Lysa Arryn. "Something troubling you, Lord Baelish?" Petyr opened his eyes to see you standing there, the signature smirk he'd come to appreciate painted on your lips. "Nothing at all, my dear. I simply need to clear my head."

"Perhaps a walk will do you good. I was planning on taking one myself, if you would care to join me." Petyr arched a brow. Perhaps you were just as interested in him as he was in you. "A walk sounds delightful." He offered you an arm, which you took gratefully.

Petyr had come enjoy spending time with you, even with Lysa hovering. He had yet to figure out how your brain worked, but that just made him more curious. Petyr appreciated the challenge. "Now, I have yet to ask how you came to be Lady Arryn's ward?" Your grip on his arm tightened slightly, a gesture that told Petyr something. You weren't happy about this. "It was at my mother's insistence. I am her only daughter and my brothers believed it to be their job to protect me. They scared off many potential suitors, encouraging my mother to send me away to find a suitable husband."

Petyr was silent. Of course that would be the reason. "And you are against this?" You scoffed. "Of course I am. I'm not a prized boar to be bartered away. I will not marry a man simply because it is what's done. If and when I marry, it will be a man of my choosing." There was a power in your voice that was unusual. You typically spoke in a soft, meek manner, as was proper for a young lady. "So, you intend on making it difficult for Lady Arryn to find you a suitor." You nodded with a sly smile. "Clever girl," Petyr thought to himself.

*time skip*

Over the next several weeks, Petyr spent time every day getting to know you. He couldn't believe that you'd been unknown to him before now. You were cunning, resourceful, beautiful, and potentially deadly. The kind of woman that caught Petyr's interest and kept him on his toes. The only kind of person Petyr felt he could confide in.

"You plan to what?" you asked him in a hushed whisper as the two of you walked through the Vale. "You heard me, Y/N. I plan to marry Lysa and then kill her. I will have control over the Vale until Robin comes of age. By that time, the boy will do whatever I wish for him to." Your eyes were wide in surprise at his confession. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I wish for you to assist me." You laughed humorlessly. "And why should I do such a thing? Lady Arryn has given me a home. She has cared for me." Petyr stopped walking, gently grabbing your arm to make you look at him. "To free yourself. That is why. To be free to live the way you wish. To wed who you wish to wed." You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth in thought. "And if I wish to wed someone here? If I wish to wed you?" Petyr stared into your eyes, the ones that had intrigued him from the start.

"You don't, my dear." You moved away from him slightly. "Who are you to tell me what it is I want? Do you plan to free me from Lady Arryn only to deny me what it is I truly want?" Petyr stood there, staring at you in what could only be described as awe. "What makes you think it is me you want?" You grinned. "I know your mind, Petyr. I know exactly what you want." Petyr arched a brow.

"What is it that you think I want?" Your grin turned into a smirk."Everything. You want everything." Petyr's eyes searched your face for any sign that you were bluffing. He found none. "And with me at your side, I can help you get it. Everything you want. Money, power, the throne." Petyr blinked, unsure of how to respond. You really did know him. You knew his secret desires, things unknown to most everyone. A cheeky smile spread across his face. "Very well. Shall we?"     

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