Facing a Tully's Wrath (Jaime Lannister x fem!Tully reader)

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Jaime's green eyes landed on you and he froze. He hadn't seen you in so long and these certainly weren't the best circumstances to see you again. He tried to shake the feeling of guilt away. He was here on a mission. To talk to Brynden Tully. He had Edmure captive if only to get the Blackfish to leave Riverrun to the Freys. However, there was the one little hiccup that was you.

You were glaring at him in a way that would have made him flinch. You were the one person that made Jaime doubt his actions, including everything with Cersei. He hadn't meant to fall for you, but on the road to King's Landing with you and Brienne, he couldn't help it. Despite his status as a prisoner, you had been kind to him. You always made certain he was eating and drinking whenever possible. Even though you had every right to hate the Lannisters, you didn't act as though you hated him.

When you left him to attend your brother Edmure's wedding, Jaime had felt his heart tear. When he heard of the events of the Red Wedding, it all but broke. He thought you had died along with your sister and nephew. Yet, here you were. Alive and looking ready to kill. By the harsh glare you were giving him, Jaime knew you figured out that the Lannisters were behind the Freys' attack on Robb.

As expected, the Blackfish refused to give up Riverrun without a fight, even for Edmure. Jaime walked back to his camp, head held high. Inside, he felt like screaming. Why couldn't things be easy? Jaime looked to Bronn who said, "That went well." Jaime rolled his eyes. There had to be a way. Anyway.

*short time skip*

Jaime decided to try once more, but this time, he would talk to you and not the Blackfish. In truth, he was more nervous about talking with you. He wasn't sure he could face your wrath but he was willing to try. He approached the castle gates again with his goal in mind. "I said all I had to say to you, Kingslayer," Brynden declared. "Well that is all well and good since I came to speak with your niece."

Jaime's green eyes swung over to you and you arched a brow. "I have no desire to see you." Jaime sighed. "Please, my lady. Just a moment of your time...preferably alone." Your eyes narrowed briefly, but you looked at your uncle. "Y/N?" You nodded and Brynden returned inside the holdfast. Crossing your arms over your chest, you turned back to Jaime. "What?"

He flinched at your tone. "Y/N...I know you're angry." You let out a hollow laugh. "Angry? Why would I be angry? Why would I be angry at the man who is partially responsible for the death of my sister, goodbrother, and nephew? The sacking of my home? Now why would you think I was angry?!" You words were laced with venom.

"Your sister took me hostage. My father was doing what he felt was best. To pay back what was done to me." You rolled your eyes. "Taking a hostage is not the equivalent of murder, Lannister!" Jaime sighed. "I know that. Have we reverted back to formalities? Are we not friends?"

"We are not friends, Ser. Clearly we never were. A true friend would not have put me on the way you did, knowing what your family was planning to do." Jaime ran his hand over his face. "I did not know what they would do. I never expected that. If I had, I would have tried to stop it. I could never hurt you on purpose, Y/N." You scoffed. "Why not? I am a Tully, an enemy of the Lannisters. What makes me so different from the rest of them?"

Feeling backed into a corner, Jaime admitted the secret he'd been keeping for so long. "I don't love the rest of them!" Your eyes widened, your jaw dropped, and your arms fell to your sides. Jaime had just confessed to loving you. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Running his flesh hand through his much shorter hair, he sighed. "Yes, Y/N. I tried not to. Really I did, but you made me fall in love with you."

For a moment, you didn't say anything. Then, you finally met his gaze again. "If you love me, don't take my home from me. Not again. Let us keep Riverrun, Jaime." Jaime's thoughts bounced around in his mind. His loyalty to his family was competing with his love for you. Should he remain loyal to the Lannisters or should he listen to his heart for once?

"I will send the Freys away. Riverrun will remain the seat of the Tully family. I will not force you from your home," Jaime said, not really believing his own choice. He only knew that this was what he wanted to do. "Do you mean that, Jaime? Do not say it if you intend to go back on your word. I assure you that my uncle and I will fight to the very last man if you do."

"I swear it, Y/N. Just...say you'll stay with me. Don't leave me again." You brows furrowed in confusion. "You give me the strength to forget everything I've ever known and to do the right thing. When I think about doing something wrong, I think about you. About how disappointed you would be. I love you too much to do that and I wish to be worthy of your love."

For the first time since Jaime had appeared, you smiled. You reached over and took his flesh hand in both of yours. Giving it a squeeze, you thanked him. "Send them away, Jaime. Then come back to me." Nodding, Jaime rode off toward the Lannister/Frey camps while you went inside to tell your uncle the good news.

"How can we be certain he won't betray us? He's a Lannister." You laughed. "I believe him, Uncle. I believe he truly wants to be a good man. I believe that he loves me." Your uncle squeezed your shoulder. "I'll give him a chance. For you." You heard him mutter as he walked away, "I'm too old for war anyway. Too old for any of this."

You watched from the ramparts as the Frey army dispersed. They would be returning to the Twins, leaving you and your uncle Riverrun. Two figures on horseback approached, one of whom you recognized as Jaime. It didn't take the Lannister long to come find you.

"It is done," he told you, out of breath. You grinned. "Come. We can catch up while I show you around Riverrun." Jaime scoffed."Y/N..." You turned back to him. "Jaime." He took a step closer to you, until your bodies were almost touching. "I need to hear it from you, Y/N. I need those words." You bit your lip and pressed up slightly to whisper in his ear, "I love you." Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you pulled away and took his arm. Jaime could barely pay attention as you lead him through Riverrun, his mind still stuck on the fact that you loved him too.     

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