Alliance pt. 4 (Eddard "Ned" Stark x fem!reader)

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(mentions of pregnancy and childbirth. Nothing graphic of course.)

Ned glanced up from his papers as you walked into the study. He smiled and leaned back in his chair. "What can I do for you, Y/N?" he asked. You slowly waddled toward the desk. "Your child is ready to enter the world, Ned." Ned's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you certain?" You opened your mouth to reply when a contraction hit you. "Absolutely," you groaned when you could speak again. Ned sprang up from his chair and practically ran around the desk to you. "Go to our chambers, Y/N. I shall fetch the Maester."

You shook your head vehemently. "Please, stay with me, Ned. I-I'm frightened." He gave you a soft smile and nodded. "Very well. I shall send a guard or one of the children for the Maester. Come along." He took your arm and lead you down the corridors to your shared chambers. On the way, you passed Jon. "Mother? Are you alright?" You nodded through the pain bearing down on you. "The baby is coming, Jon. I need you to find the Maester and quickly." Without waiting a beat, Jon was gone and Ned finished helping you to the room.

Maester Luwin appeared shortly afterward and ushered Ned out of the room, despite your arguments. "Don't worry, Y/N. I shall be right outside the door. I promise." He placed a kiss to your forehead and quickly left the room. You weren't pleased, but you knew you had to focus on the task at hand.

News had traveled fast throughout Winterfell especially since, after he fetched Maester Luwin, Jon went and told the other Stark children and Theon what was happening. Ned was pacing outside your door when his children all came running up. "Is she alright, Father?" Jon asked. Ned smiled and nodded. "It is a waiting game now." Just then, you let out a shriek, making them all jump. Arya's eyes widened. "Was that Mother? Why is she screaming?" Arya had been young when Bran and Rickon were born, so she didn't remember what it had been like when Catelyn had given birth.

"Bringing a babe into the world is painful for the mother, Arya. But in the end, you shall have a new brother or sister. Your own mother had just as much pain bringing you all into the world, but I know she would not have changed it," Ned told his children. Sansa had been quiet. She looked slightly afraid, but there was something else hidden in her cerulean gaze. "Father, do you miss our mother?" Ned hugged her. "I will always miss her, Sansa. But the gods have blessed me with another that I could love as well. And our family is stronger for it." Sansa smiled and nodded, pleased with her father's answer.

"How long will it be?" Bran asked. Arya nudged him. "I couldn't say, Bran. Babes come when they are ready and not a moment sooner." Another scream came from the room, prompting all the children into silence. Normally, Ned would have sent the children on their way for lessons or training, but he couldn't bring himself to do it then. He wanted his children near while he waited for that door to open and for the Maester to tell him of his new child. No matter how many children he had, Ned was always on edge when a new one came.

Hours passed in what seemed like a torturous pace. Ned was ready to see you and your new child. But he knew he needed to be patient, especially with the children around him. If he grew impatient, the children would too. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door opened and Maester Luwin appeared with a smile on his face. "Lord Stark, Lady Stark is rather anxious to see you." All the Starks and Theon rose, but Ned laughed and told the children to wait. "I won't be long. I promise." They protested but waited outside anyway.

Ned walked in and saw you on the bed, a tiny bundle in your arms. You glanced up at Ned with a tired smile. "A daughter, Lord Husband." Ned's feet moved more swiftly than he had in years. He was by your side in an instant, kissing your temple. He looked down at his newest child and felt his heart swell with pride. The small tufts of hair on the girl's head were (h/c), but dark Stark eyes looked back at him. "She's beautiful, Y/N. Thank you."

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say the children are all waiting to come in?" Ned chuckled and nodded. "I swear you can read my mind." You shook your head before gesturing toward the door with a smile. Ned glanced up and saw six faces peering around the still ajar door. They weren't doing a very good job at hiding. "Come in then and meet your new sister," you told them, your voice weary. The children all walked in and Theon entered behind them. He hung back while the others drew closer to peer at the baby. "Theon, you're family. You can come closer."

"She's so small," Sansa said softly. "So were you, Sansa. And like you, this one will grow into a lovely young woman." Rickon was staring at the baby in awe. He hadn't said anything. He was just staring until he finally asked, "What are we going to call her?" You and Ned exchanged a glance. Before you could answer, Arya carefully came over to Ned and whispered something in his ear. He smiled softly and kissed her forehead. Then, he whispered in your ear. Tears sprang into your eyes.

"Are you certain?" Ned nodded. "If the children are." You both looked to the children. "Arya has offered us a name, but I will only use it if you all agree," Ned told them all. "What name, Father?" Ned smiled. "Catelyn." Slowly, smiles started spreading across all the children's lips. Even Jon, who was not Catelyn's child and who Catelyn didn't even like, was smiling. "It's perfect, Father," Sansa voiced, tears lacing her words.

You and Ned glanced at the all the children's face and they all seemed to agree. "Catelyn it is then. Catelyn Stark, second of her name," you whispered. You let your gaze drift back down to your daughter and you were near tears yourself. When your father told you over two years before that you were going to marry Ned, you never intended to fall in love with the man. You never expected to grow so close to his children or to even have one of your own. You hadn't expected to gain such a large and loving family. The king had wanted a simple alliance, but it had grown into so much more.     

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