Growing Up with Him (Tommen Baratheon x reader) Modern AU

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Tommen straightened his tie. He couldn't believe it was prom night already. But what he couldn't believe more was that he'd finally worked up the courage to ask you to go with him. After all, the two of you had been friends pretty much your entire lives. You'd think he wouldn't have been nervous, but he was. When he'd realized he'd had deeper feelings for you than just friendship, it scared him half to death.

Tommen felt arms wrap around his shoulders as he sat in the school library. He instantly stiffened until he heard your laughter. "Scared ya, didn't I?" You moved so he could see your face. "No," he huffed, making you laugh again. "Yes I did." Tommen smiled. "Yeah, you did." You sat down next to him and pulled out your book. "Did you need something, Y/N?" You grinned at him. "Nope. Just wanted to see if I could scare you." Tommen let out a laugh before turning back to his books. But he found himself unable to concentrate.

As he tried to study, Tommen's eyes kept returning to you. You didn't seem to notice. Tommen's mind kept flashing back over the years and he realized that he couldn't remember a time when you weren't in his life. Trying to picture such a thing made him sad. It hurt him right down to his core. That was when it dawned on him that maybe, just maybe, there was more to your relationship than just friends. And he wanted it.

"Hey, Y/N? Do you have a date for prom?" You snorted and put your book down. "No. There's only one person I want to go to prom with and he doesn't have the guts to ask me." You looked at him pointedly. "M-Me?" You flashed him your signature smirk. "Yes, Tommen, you. Haven't you felt things shifting between us lately?" He nodded slightly. "I guess I have...I guess I really like you, Y/N. Maybe as more than a friend." You leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Good. Because I like you as more than a friend too." Tommen licked his lips. "Are you scared?" You nodded. "A little, but I think that's a good thing." Tommen reached over and took your hand in his. "Maybe it is."

Tommen took a deep breath as he rang the doorbell of your home. Your mother answered the door. "Come on in, Tommen. My don't you look handsome! I can't believe the two of you are grown enough for prom and that you're going together. You know, your parents and I always knew the two of you would end up together in the end. I mean, you were practically inseparable when you were kids."

"That's not nice!" a voice called out. Tommen looked up from the sandbox to find a bunch of older kids around you, including Joffrey. They were pulling your hair and calling you names. Tommen got up and marched over to you. Yes, he was scared, but he also knew that bullying wasn't okay. "Go away!" he cried, making the kids turn to him. He stood up to his full height, which wasn't much at eight-years-old.

"Or what?" Tommen smirked at Joffrey. "Or I'll tell Mother." Joffrey's face paled. "Fine. Come on, this is boring anyway." Tommen turned to you and offered a hand the way his father had taught him. "My name's Tommen." You slowly reached out and took his hand. "I'm Y/N." From that moment on, the two of you did everything together, especially when you discovered that you only lived a few houses away from each other.

Tommen was smiling at the memory when he heard the sounds of your shoes on the stairs. He turned and his jaw dropped. You looked incredible. "Wow," Tommen breathed and you felt yourself flush. "Thanks, Tommen. Ready to go?" He nodded. "Y-Yeah. I'll have Y/N back by 11." Your mother waved him off. "I trust you both. Just be careful." Tommen took your hand in his after wiping the sweat off and lead you out to his car.

"Are you that nervous, Tommen? Come on, we both know I don't bite." He laughed lightly. "There's nothing to be nervous about." Tommen took one hand off the wheel and pulled at his tie. "W-What about the goodnight kiss?" You smiled and gave his leg a pat. "I think we're covered there. Remember, we've already had our first kiss." Tommen nearly scoffed at the memory.

"What do you think?" you asked. Tommen blinked at you in surprise. "You want to practice kissing? With me?" You huffed. "Well, yeah! Who else besides my best friend? When I start going out on dates, I want to be prepared. Don't you?" Tommen thought for a moment. It's true that you were both almost sixteen, the age your parents agreed to let you both start going on dates alone instead of with a group. "Alright."

You cheered a little and sat next to Tommen on his bed. "How do you wanna-" he started to ask but was cut off when he looked up at you. You had already moved in and when he looked up, his lips pressed against yours. He stiffened for a moment, unsure of what to do. He could feel something stirring in his gut, but he didn't understand what it was at the time. Still, he knew he wouldn't be able to practice if he didn't snap out of it. So, that's what he did and started kissing you back.

That one little kiss quickly got a bit more heated until you both had to pull away. You stared at each other with wide eyes. Tommen could tell by your expression that you'd had the same feeling he did. "Uh, that was...really nice." Tommen cleared his throat and nodded. "Yeah. Um, what do you say we start on that English homework Mrs. Stark gave us?" You agreed. You spent the rest of the afternoon doing homework and occasionally stealing glances at one another.

"I'd almost forgotten about that," Tommen muttered. You placed your hand over your heart in mock offense. "Forgotten? Am I that terrible of a kisser?" Tommen started to stutter out a reply, anything to get you not to be mad at him. You began laughing until he stopped trying. "Tommen, I was only teasing. Besides, there's nothing to say we can't try again tonight...or any other time. We've grown up together and I don't see us leaving one another any time soon." Tommen smiled and nodded. He was glad you felt that way. It made the whole night a little less daunting and gave him something to look forward to.    

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