Queensguard (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader)

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Being a female in the Queensguard was rare. Being the female commander of the Queensguard was even more so. Yet, here you were. You had proven your worth to Daenerys time and time again and she trusted you to protect her more than anyone else in the world. That was how you found yourself in the dragon pit with her as she met with Cersei Lannister to discuss terms of a temporary peace. It was also how you met Sandor Clegane.

When you first saw him, you were mesmerized by him. He was huge, bigger than any man you'd seen before other than his brother who stood at Cersei's side. He had the look of a seasoned warrior that you knew well. Of course, you'd heard tales of the Hound, but they left some things out. Like how he really was just a normal man and not the monster everyone thought he was.

There was something else in his eyes that you understood. He was lost. He had no idea of his place in the world now and your heart broke for him. You would never tell him so though. For some reason, you knew he would hate your pity. That didn't mean you couldn't help him in a way.

"You are certainly free to offer, Y/N, but I wouldn't expect anything to come of it," Daenerys told you after the meeting with Cersei when you brought up your idea. "I only want to try, Your Grace." She nodded and you turned around to look for Sandor. He wasn't difficult to find. He was talking with the tall, blonde warrior, Brienne of Tarth. Squaring your shoulders, you walked up to the pair of them.

"Clegane, might I have a word?" He looked at you in confusion. You hadn't said more than two words to him so far. He huffed, but nodded anyway. Brienne moved to talk to Davos, leaving you alone with Sandor. "I've been given permission to offer you a place in Queen Daenerys guard," you stated simply.

For a moment, Sandor didn't say a word. Then, he replied, "Why would I want to do that? I served kings and princes for years and look where it got me." You smiled softly. "I know you, Sandor Clegane. I know the things you've done and the hardship you've endured. But I'm offering you a chance to be someone better, to do something greater. I'm offering you a new purpose in life. Think about it." You pivoted on your heel and began to walk away.

"Wait," Sandor called just loudly enough for you to hear. You glanced back at him. "I'll do it." You grinned. "Wonderful. We leave for Winterfell tonight. I hope you have your sea legs."

*time skip*

The weeks passed slowly on board the ship. Daenerys was really in no danger, so you were bored. However, that meant you got to spend more time with your newest recruit. Sandor wasn't like you expected him to be. Sure he was gruff and crude at times and he definitely could be violent, but he was really a softy at heart. Deep, deep, deep down in his heart. He was also honest and a formidable warrior and he knew how the world worked. And when you saw him practice fighting on the deck of the ship, you knew you'd made the right choice. You admired him.

In truth, that admiration grew the longer you were on the ship with him. You made certain to spend time with him every day if only to make sure he was adjusting well to his new position. Over time, he started opening up to you and you to him. You got to see a side of him that people rarely saw. You loved it and, after a while, you realized that you actually loved him.

It felt like it had come out of nowhere, but you knew it had been building for a while. All the training sessions followed by the late night chats over ale had flowered something in you that you never thought possible. You didn't know that Sandor had experienced the same odd feeling. He didn't even know until it was pointed out to him by someone wiser.

"You're in love with her." It was stated so pointedly that it took Sandor aback. He looked down at Tyrion who was smiling slyly. "What are ya on about?" Tyrion chuckled. "Y/N. You're in love with Y/N. It is written on your face as clear as day whenever you look at her." Sandor didn't answer. He looked away, back out toward the sea.

"She's in love with you too, you know," Tyrion spoke again. Sandor snorted out a wry laugh. "No she isn't. She knows better than to fall for someone like me." Tyrion shrugged a bit. "I only know what I see and what I see is a woman over there that is in love and it certainly isn't with me."

Sandor took a brief second to look over at where you were standing with Varys. You were laughing at something. When you glanced over, your lips gave him a gentle smile. "You should talk to her, Clegane. With the war that's coming, who knows if you'll get another chance. We don't want to leave this world with any regrets." Tyrion walked away and over to you.

A moment later, you wandered over to Sandor. He was leaning on the railing, his hands clasped together in front of him. You mirrored his stance, but instead of clasping your hands together, you reached over and took one of his in yours. You didn't speak. You just held his hand. Sandor looked down at your joined hands, then back at you. You were staring out at the sea with a serene smile on your lips.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, you spoke in a hushed voice. "I cherish these moments with you, Sandor," you whispered, "Every last one of them. Our time together makes the fear I feel fade a little." Sandor nodded. He didn't handle emotion well and he had no idea how you expected him to react. The last thing he wanted was to cause a scene and embarrass either one of you.

"You don't have to say anything," you continued as if reading his mind, "I know you aren't good with expressing yourself, but I wanted you to know how I feel. Even if you don't feel the same. I love you." Sandor gave your hand a small squeeze. "I do feel it." You smiled again. You knew it would be a while before he was actually able to say the words back to you, but for now, his reply was enough.    

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