M.I.A. (Jaime Lannister x fem!reader) Modern/Military AU

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(mentions of soldier going M.I.A. and getting W.I.A.) 

You tried to be strong. You really did. After all, you knew exactly what you were getting into when you married Jaime. As a captain in the military, he was always in danger when he was deployed. So when Jaime was reported missing in action, you had tried to keep it together. At first, it was alright. But then, Jaime's family decided to start coming around, sticking their noses in your and Jaime's business. It was driving you up the wall.

"For the last time, Cersei, if I hear anything, I will call you! Now please, don't call again unless it's an emergency. I'm trying to keep things normal for the children." Without giving her a chance to respond, you hung up the phone. It was mainly Cersei who couldn't seem to understand that this was harder on you than it was on her. Sure, Jaime was her twin, but you were his wife. You had promised each other for ever, for better or worse. And right now it was for worse.

You hadn't heard a thing from anyone in Jaime's unit since they told you he was missing. Some people say that no news is good news, but you were finding it to be the opposite. You weren't handling this whole "no news" thing very well. On the nights you slept, it was only because your body was too exhausted to stay awake any longer. Most nights you didn't sleep. Your mind kept going back to all those "what-if" questions. You were almost certain you were losing your mind. You needed to hear something. Anything! Even if it were bad news, it was better than sitting around waiting to hear. But finally, you did hear something. Your phone ringing in the middle of the night.

"Mrs. Lannister?" the voice on the other end questioned. "Yeah." A low, yet relieved sight came over the line. "Mrs. Lannister, I have news. Captain Lannister has been found." You bolted upright in bed. "Are you sure?" You could practically hear the smile on the caller's face. "Yes, ma'am. He's been found alive. We're flying him to the nearest military hospital in Westeros and we've made arrangements for you to meet him there. Unfortunately, you have to leave in just a few hours."

"That's fine! Thank you so much! May I ask what my husband's condition is?" The caller skipped a beat before answering, "I can't reveal that information over the phone. For privacy reasons, you understand." You chewed your lip, but agreed. "Alright. Thank you." You hung up and quickly got yourself moving. You let the kids sleep a couple more hours while you called Tyrion. You knew you could trust your brother-in-law and it didn't surprise you that he was still awake.

Tyrion showed up on your doorstep a couple hours later. "Thank you for coming, Tyrion. I know it's last minute and I swear I'll make it up to you." Tyrion waved you off. "It's no trouble at all, Y/N. I adore my nieces and nephew. Besides, Jaime needs you by his side more than ever right now." You smiled before frowning again lightly. "Tyrion, I hate to ask this of you, but please, whatever you do, do NOT tell anyone in your family yet. The last thing we need is Tywin or Cersei bursting into the hospital before I've even had the chance to see Jaime."

Your brother-in-law reached over and gave your hand a pat. "Y/N, I swear I won't say a word. You need to be the first family Jaime sees. Now, go finish packing or you'll miss your flight." With a nod, you ran to your room to finish getting everything together. You were flying around the house like a whirlwind, ready to see your husband again after so long. You didn't think it'd be anything less than a happy reunion. You were wrong.

*short time skip*

You were at Jaime's bedside when he woke up. He glanced over at you as tears instantly filled your eyes. He really was there. In the flesh. Well, mostly. "Jaime," you breathed out. He didn't say a thing. His green eyes traveled from you to the stump where his hand had once been and back. "Get out." You blinked in surprise.

"Excuse me?" The look on his face was nothing but pure pain and rage. "I said 'get out', Y/N. I don't want you to see me like this." Your gaze softened even more. "Jaime, don't do that. We promised we'd stay together, no matter what." With his remaining hand, Jaime gestured down to his stump. "That was before this happened! How can I be the husband you deserve when I've only got one hand?! I'm not the man I was."

The fire that flashed in your eyes was enough to make Jaime shrink back into his bed. "Listen here, Jaime Lannister! Just because you lost a hand doesn't make you less of a man. And it certain doesn't make you an unworthy husband! You are the best man I could have possibly married and you are the most amazing father to our children. So don't you think, for one minute, that I am leaving this hospital without you. Got it?"

For a moment, Jaime simply stared at you. Then he ever so slowly nodded. "Good. Now, I'm sure there's a lot of options for you. We can talk to the doctor. Once we've got everything figured out, I'll call Tyrion. He's with the children. Then, if you want, we can call Tywin and Cersei." Jaime shook his head vigorously. "No, please. I don't want to see them yet. I just want you to stay here with me. We can tell them everything when we get back home." You gave him a smile and a nod. "That's fine. I do have to call Tyrion though and let him know how long we'll be here."

You got up to make the call, but Jaime caught your wrist with his hand. "Thank you, Y/N. For not leaving me." You rolled your eyes at him. "I would never. This doesn't change who you are, Jaime." You leaned down and kissed him as deeply as you could, pouring all your love into the kiss. Unfortunately, it seemed that you kissed him too deeply and his heart rate monitor started going crazy. You laughed as you pulled away and the nurse came bursting into the room.

"Maybe we should save those kinds of kisses for when you aren't in the hospital. I'll go make that call. You rest." You kissed him on the forehead and left the room. You let out a deep sigh, knowing that his battle with himself was far from over. Still he was home and alive and that was what mattered most. You had your husband back and the children had their father. You couldn't wait to get him home.     

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