A Lion in Winterfell pt. 2 (Jon Snow x fem!Lannister reader) AU

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Tywin Lannister read the letter from Cersei with a frown. If what he was reading was to be believed, Cersei was telling him that his youngest daughter was in love with a bastard. And it was only a matter of time before Jon asked for your hand. There was no way Tywin was ever going to let that happen. He had bigger plans for you than to let you throw your life away by letting you marry a bastard. He immediately mounted his horse and headed for Winterfell.

*short time skip*

In Winterfell, you were giggling as your lion Ari tried to play with Jon's direwolf. Ari had grown into a full grown lion now so Ghost was wary about playing with him often. You sat with Jon, your hand in his as you watched the two play. To your surprise, no one had tried to force you and Jon apart. They all seemed genuinely happy for you both. You were grateful for that because you had come to truly love Jon for who he was and you hoped he loved you.

Jon gave your hand a squeeze, bringing your attention back to him. "Will you come with me?" he asked softly. You nodded and let him help you up. Jon lead you up to the ramparts where you were less likely to be seen by anyone other than guards who would stay silent. Jon only brought you up here when he wanted some privacy. "What is it, Jon?" He looked nervous and his face was red. He hadn't been that way with you for months now and it made you worry. "Jon? Are you alright?"

"I'm nervous," he admitted in a low voice. Knowing it was better to wait until he was ready, you leaned onto the cold stone and looked out toward the woods. You had to admit it was a beautiful sight that you could get used to seeing every day. You glanced down in to the courtyard to see Ari laying next to Ghost and Nymeria, all three of them gathered around Arya. You smiled to yourself. You didn't notice Jon's eyes on you the whole time.

"You're so beautiful." He said it so softly, you were sure he didn't mean to say it out loud. "Thank you, Jon." He blushed again as you turned to look at him. You laughed lightly before leaning in to kiss his warm cheek. "I love you," you told him. It wasn't the first time you'd said it, but Jon always looked so surprised when you did. It was as if he couldn't believe that anyone could love him. He didn't reply and you asked, "What is on your mind, Jon?"

Jon took a deep breath and finally spoke again. "You deserve better than me, Y/N. Better than a bastard." You opened your mouth to scold him. You hated when he got down on himself like that. It didn't matter to you that he was a bastard. That didn't define him in your eyes. You didn't get a chance to interrupt before Jon continued, "But I love you. I've loved you from almost the moment you rode into Winterfell and you talked to Arya with such gentleness."

He took a step closer, if that was even possible, and grabbed your hands. You could feel that his were shaking almost uncontrollably. Your brows furrowed in worry. "Jon?" He looked at you with wide, scared eyes. "I'm sorry. I've never been this worried about anything in my life." You removed one of your hands from his and cupped his cheek. "Jon, you can tell me anything." He nodded and took another deep breath.

"What I'm trying, and failing, to ask is if you will marry me?" You blinked a few times in shock. Jon wanted to marry you? Jon's expression fell when you didn't answer right away. "Oh, Jon! Of course I want to marry you!" Jon's face split into a rare grin. he removed his other hand from yours and grabbed your face before pressing his lips eagerly to yours.

Your kiss was cut short when someone cleared their throat. You pulled away from Jon, embarrassed. "As much as I hate to break this up...Father is here, Y/N," Jaime told you. He stood there with Tyrion. Your eyes widened. "Father's here? Why?" Jaime sighed and Tyrion glared at him. "Our charming sister wrote to him about this," Tyrion told you, gesturing between you and Jon. You looked at Jaime. "She did? Why didn't you stop her, Jaime?" He didn't reply, but he didn't need to. You knew he'd do anything for Cersei.

"He's not happy, is he?" you asked and they both shook their heads. You grabbed Jon's hand in yours in a tight grip. You stuck your chin out defiantly. "I don't care. I love Jon. I won't let Father tear us apart." Your brothers smiled at your persistence. "You best come along. You too, Snow." You looked at Jon. Surprisingly, he didn't look nearly as frightened as you felt. He didn't even look as scared as he had just before he'd asked for your hand.

After nodding, you followed your brothers inside to where your father was waiting with Ned Stark. "Father," you greeted. Jon gave your hand another slight squeeze. Tywin's eyes went to your joined hands and he frowned. You looked passed your father to Ned who was smiling softly. "I see your sister's letter was the truth," your father began, "Know this; No child of mine is going to marry a bastard." Your eyes narrowed.

"Then I suppose I am no longer your child. Jon has asked for my hand and I accepted. I love him, Father." The hall fell silent. Your heart was beating rapidly as you waited for someone, anyone, to say something. "I forbid it, Y/N. You are returning with me to Casterly Rock." You shook your head. "No I'm not. I am a grown woman. You cannot make me leave Jon." Tywin arched a brow.

"You think this bastard, this boy, will protect you?" You smiled at Jon then returned your gaze to your father. "Jon isn't a boy, Father. And I don't need him to protect me. I am more than capable of protecting myself. I am a lion after all. But I won't let you take me away from him." You were in a staring contest with your father and didn't notice the doors opening and then closing again until you felt a familiar presence by your hip.

Your father didn't seem to notice either, but he had had enough of your defiance. He reached over to take your arm. Jon tightened his grip on your hand and Ari let out a snarl. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Father. As you can see, Ari is fiercely protective of me. And of Jon." Tywin slowly pulled his arm back. It certain wasn't worth losing the arm. But he was furious. His children had all become disobedient in their older age, but never to this degree.

"You are no lion. I disown you. The Lannister name is no longer yours." You smiled sadly. You had hoped your father would understand at least a little bit. "I don't need the Lannister name. I was hoping for your blessing in this, but I will continue on without it." Ned stood and came down to where you and Jon were standing. "Y/N, you are welcome here for as long as you wish," he told you, then turned to your father and said, "Your daughter, whether you acknowledge her or not, will be well taken care of."

Ned turned to one of the servants and told them to prepare a room for your father. "I am certain Lord Tywin is weary after such a long journey." Your father followed after the servant. "Thank you, Lord Stark. I'm sorry for this." Ned smiled and shook his head. "There is no need to apologize. You will be family soon enough. We take care of family, Y/N. And I meant every word. This is your home now." You hugged him tightly and thanked him again. "Alright. Enough. Off with the both of you. You have a wedding to plan." Jon gently pulled you from the room, Ari following closely behind.

Once you were alone again, Jon turned to you. "You didn't have to do that for me, Y/N." You smiled at your betrothed. "Yes I did, my love. I love you and I won't let anyone, not even my own father, make you feel like less of a man because of the circumstances of your birth. You are three times the man my father is." Jon blushed again and you giggled. He looked adorable. You pressed a sweet, gently kiss to his lips. "Come on, Jon. We need to celebrate our betrothal. Don't you agree?" Jon nodded with a grin and let you lead him away, ready for whatever the rest of your lives would bring.    

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