Riding into Battle (Robb Stark x wife!reader)

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"Please, Y/N. Stay here," Robb practically begged. You snorted out a laugh. "Robb, you know that won't happen. Someone has to be there to keep you from doing anything too rash. Who better than your wife?" Robb had been begging you to stay at the camp while he rode into yet another battle. Unfortunately for your husband, you were a Northern woman. Stubborn to a fault and tough as nails.

"Please don't ask me to watch you ride away from me knowing you may not come back," you said, your voice much softer, "Please don't ask me to wait behind when there is a chance I could save you." You looked at Robb with pleading eyes and he relented. "Alright. But please, Y/N, be careful." You reached up and cupped his bearded cheek. "I'm always careful, my love." You leaned in and kissed him.

The next morning, you woke before Robb. You kissed his bearded cheek until he woke up. "Are you ready, my love?" Robb frowned. "As ready as I can be, knowing you're going to be in danger." You gave him a soft smile. "Robb, we talked about this. I cannot sit idly by. What kind of Queen would I be if I didn't everything in my power to protect my people? To protect their king? You taught me how to fight, Robb. You know I can do this." Robb sighed. "I know. I told you that you could ride out with me. That doesn't mean I won't worry."

You got out of bed and prepared for battle. You knew Robb was worried. You were too, but you were determined to keep the King in the North safe. Before leaving your shared tent, you turned back to your husband. "Stay safe, Robb." He smiled at you and pressed a kiss to your lips. "You as well. Now, let's go lead our army to victory."

*slight time skip*

Robb's eyes scanned the blood soaked battlefield. He was beginning to panic when he didn't find you right away. He was so engrossed in finding you, he hadn't realized that there was still a Lannister soldier living.

That soldier quietly snuck over to Robb, sword poised to strike. Robb didn't even realize what was happening until he heard the blow. He whipped around to face the threat. To his surprise, the Lannister soldier didn't attack. That was because he was already dead. Robb could see the sword pierced through the soldier's neck.

The point of the sword vanished and the soldier crumpled to the ground. You looked at Robb with a cheeky smirk. "Now, aren't you glad I didn't stay behind?" you asked him. He laughed and pulled you to him. "That I am," he whispered before pulling back. "Are you hurt at all?" You shook your head. "No, I'm alright. Are you?" He nodded. "Shall we go? It's started to stink of the dead," you replied. Robb chuckled again.

You and Robb made your way to his horse. Yours had run off sometime during the battle, so you climbed up with your husband. "Promise me something, Y/N," Robb said when you were riding back toward camp where Robb's mother was."What?" He kissed the back of your head. "Stay by my side? No matter what?" You beamed and turned to look at him over your shoulder. "Forever."     

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