Brienne the Beauty's Sister (Jaime Lannister x fem!reader)

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If there were ever two siblings who looked completely different from one another, it was you and Brienne. Brienne was tall with very blonde, almost white hair and blue eyes that pierced. She was a fierce warrior. You could hold your own, but you were nowhere near as skilled as your sister. You had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. The two of you couldn't be more different. In fact, most people didn't know or even believe that you were sisters. But it was true. And Brienne? She was extremely protective of you.

"I don't like the way Lannister has been looking at you," she grumbled one afternoon. You rolled your eyes and giggled softly. "He is not looking at me any differently than he looks at you, Brienne. Now go train or something, alright. I can look after myself." Brienne frowned, but nodded and left, prompting you to let out a sigh of relief. You loved your sister, but hated when she hovered like that.

"She takes everything so seriously, doesn't she?" a voice came from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder to see Jaime Lannister. "She does, but that it what makes her such a fierce warrior," you commented, looking back out toward the sea. "And what of you? You don't seem the fierce warrior type, my lady." You glared at him as he came and stood next to you.

"And how would you know, Ser Jaime?" you quipped back. Jaime flashed you what you assumed was supposed to be his charming smile. In truth, it was breathtaking. It was no secret that Jaime was a handsome man. One of the most handsome men you'd ever met. But his handsomeness was matched by arrogance and pride, something you weren't too fond of. You could also tell that the man hid his true feelings about people very well. That didn't sit right with you either.

"Let's just say that I've met many pretty maidens like you," he said. You could tell he was trying to get something from you, but you weren't having it. He took a step closer until there was no room between you. He grabbed your arm gently, but you were finished with the conversation. In a flash, you pulled a hidden knife out of your sleeve and held it up to his neck. Jaime froze and looked at you with wide eyes.

"Please don't touch me without permission or my sister is liable to take it personally." He let you go and you smiled sweetly. You replaced the knife. "Thank you. Good day, Ser Jaime." You curtsied and turned to leave. You let out a long breath. You weren't used to that kind of confrontation. As you walked away, Jaime stared after you in awe. Right then and there, he vowed he would get to know you better, no matter what.

*time skip*

You groaned as you saw Jaime approaching again. The man wouldn't leave you alone now. It seemed he was always around, trying to get close to you. Only his way of doing it was really starting to get on your nerves. He poked fun, flirted, whatever it took to get a rise out of you. You knew it was all in good fun, but still, it was starting to wear on your nerves.

"I could take care of him if you'd like," Brienne offered when she saw where your gaze was directed. You laughed lightly and shook your head. "Thank you, sister, but I think I'll try once more to get my message across." Brienne nodded. She didn't like it, but she let you approach Jaime. When he saw that you were coming to him, Jaime smiled widely. Before he could say anything, you held up a hand.

"Ser Jaime, while I appreciate you taking time out of your certainly busy schedule to see me every day, I must ask that this end. I cannot endure the teasing any longer." Jaime looked at you confused for a moment. "Come now, my lady, surely you understand it's all in jest." You nodded. "Of course, but a lady can only take so much before it becomes tiresome. If you don't stop, my sister will force you to. She will kick your arse all over Westeros."

Jaime's eyes widened at your use of the swear. In all the weeks he had been playfully teasing, you'd never once sworn. And you kept mentioning a sister that he didn't know of. "My lady, I have never met your sister. Why would she want to harm me?" You snorted before laughing. "But you have met her." You gestured over your shoulder to Brienne who stood with her hand on the hilt of her sword and her steely gaze on Jaime.

"Brienne of Tarth is your sister?" Jaime asked, surprised. "Yes. And she doesn't take kindly to people making me uncomfortable. She's rather protective of me." Jaime didn't answer and you smirked. "I trust the matter is solved then." You turned to leave him there, but his voice stopped you.

"Wait, Y/N." His voice was soft. You tried to fight the urge to look back at him, really you did, but those green eyes of his hand grown on you. You loved looking at them. Plus, you'd never heard his voice sound so sincere before. You stopped mid-turn and glanced at him again. "Forgive me. I'm not used to this sort of situation." You didn't respond, unsure of what he was getting at.

"I don't let people see my emotions, but I think I...feel something for you. Something pleasant and I want to get to know you." You felt your lips turn up into a smile before you could stop them. This honest and open side of Jaime was something you'd not seen before, but it was something you were looking forward to seeing more of.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" He glared playfully at you, showing that he didn't appreciate the humor at that point in time. You took a step closer to him. "If you're sincere, I'd like for us to get to know one another, Jaime." You reached over and took his hand in yours, giving it a slight squeeze. "But only if you mean it."

"I do," he assure you. "Good. Now, shall we take a walk then?" Jaime smiled and offered his arm. "We shall. Hold onto me so you don't trip again, my lady. I've heard those dresses can be quite a pain." Your eyes narrowed. He was referencing the last time you were walking around by yourself. He had seen you trip over your dress.

"That was one time, Jaime," you stated, taking a step and promptly tripping again. "Twice," he quipped. He laughed out loud when you began to chastise him. Brienne watched the two of you walk off. Her lips were in a thin line at first. She wasn't sure how she felt about you getting close to Jaime. After all, there was Cersei to worry about.

But then, she watched as you two teased on another back and forth. She saw the bright smile on your lips, unable to keep one of her own from forming. And she realized that outsiders didn't matter. You and Jaime were content in your own little bubble of happiness at the moment. She knew that you were good for each other, each bringing out the best in the other. Her smile grew. Brienne watched Jaime tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and she shook her head. Maybe she was crazy, but it seemed like love was forming right before her eyes. Maybe, just maybe, you could be happy with Jaime. And that? Brienne could gladly accept.    

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