Partnership (Petyr Baelish x fem!reader)

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You never understood why no one wanted to take you seriously. Yes, you were a highborn woman, but you were intelligent. You had a mind that most lords would want. You knew strategy and how to play the game. Unfortunately, they never wanted to listen to what you had to say. Everyone thought you should focus on what most ladies focused on. Marriage and providing heirs. That is, until you met Petyr.

Petyr was cunning and he knew how to get ahead in life. His own life was proof of that and you aspired to be like him. You knew just how to do it. First thing was to catch Petyr's attention. That part would be easy. The feast your father was hosting would take care of that. Petyr approached the table and bowed to your father, his green-grey eyes landing on you for a moment. "Good evening, Lord Baelish. May I present my daughter Y/N?"

"I have heard stories of how lovely your daughter is Lord Y/L/N, but they do not do her justice." You gave a coy smile and pretended to be embarrassed. "Thank you, my lord. You flatter me." Petyr smirked at the reaction he'd gotten from you. "Perhaps you would do me the honor of a dance, my lady?" Nodding, you got up and allowed Petyr to lead you into the dance.

"Your father seems pleased," Petyr said after a moment and you laughed. "Of course he does. He wants an advantageous marriage for me and here you are." Petyr joined your laughter. "And what would he gain from such a marriage." You cocked your head to the side and shrugged slightly. "An advantageous marriage for me means political advantages for him. He wishes to be part of the Small Council."

Petyr seemed intrigued by your answer and, when the dance was done, he stayed by your side. "Lord Baelish, you are a man of reputation. You make it your business to know everyone's secrets and you know how to get ahead in this life. Perhaps you could help me."

He looked at you in slight confusion. "I have knowledge beyond that of most ladies, but no one takes me seriously. They all think I should just be the dutiful lady and marry a lord. That isn't what I want. I want to be the lady of a holdfast, but not through marriage. I want to command armies and be useful. Not to just sit and sing, sew, and bear children. With your help, I know I can get what I want."

Petyr sat in contemplation, his eyes never leaving your face as you waited for his reply. "And what would I get out of this arrangement? Everything comes at a price." You smirked. "Lords are a bit more careless with their words when a woman is around. I have a vault full of secrets locked away up here," you told him, tapping the side of your head for emphasis. "With my help, you could become the most powerful man in all of Westeros next to the king. Perhaps you will even be king one day." Little did you know, those were the words Petyr would hear the loudest.

*time skip*

"Hello, Lady Y/N. I have something for you. I trust you have something for me as well." You glanced up from the map in front of you and smiled. Petyr was standing there with his signature smirk on his face. It had been a few months since you'd last seen him. "Indeed I do." You fished out a scroll and handed it to him. He unfurled it, his eyes quickly scanning it before widening in surprise. "Are you certain this information is accurate?" You looked at him as if to say, "Are you serious?"

He knew better. You had been in your little partnership for a few years now and your information was always correct. Thanks to your information, Petyr had been reintegrated back into the society of King's Landing, proving useful to Queen Daenerys. He was slowly working his way up in the ranks and so were you. You were the commander of a rather large army and a lady of a small holdfast. Small for now.

"And what do you have for me, Petyr?" Petyr rerolled the scroll and hid it in his cloak. "A proposal." You arched a brow. "We've been over this, Petyr. I have no interest in marriage." Petyr chuckled softly. "Not even to the new Lord of Casterly Rock?" You looked at him in confusion. "I thought Lord Tyrion was the heir to Casterly Rock." Petyr shook his head. "He will not take it and with Jaime Lannister gone, there is no one to hold Casterly Rock. It has been given to me."

You were torn. On one hand, you had been against marriage from the beginning. One the other hand, you'd been working your way up to the top for years now and this was the biggest holdfast you could ask for. "I could marry you, or I could use my army and take Casterly Rock right out from under you," you said nonchalantly.

Petyr shook his head fondly. He would never tire of your feisty nature. "You could, but I don't think you will. We have the bigger picture still. The ultimate strategic move. The move for the Throne. Daenerys has no heirs. If we are smart and play it right, she could choose our child as heir, will us in power until that child comes of age."

You froze in the middle of what you were doing. He really was thinking of the bigger picture and he had a point. Daenerys had said on more than one occasion that she would never have any children. That meant she would have to choose an successor eventually. "So?" Petyr asked you. You faced away from him for a moment. "One condition." He asked what your condition was. "I am still commander of my army. They listen to me before they listen to you."

You didn't expect him to agree so quickly, but he did. "Done. Now, shall I inform the queen of our betrothal or shall I look for another lady of CasterlyRock?" You turned back and glared at him, making him chuckle. He took your hand in his, removed your glove, and kissed the back of your hand. "Then I shall ride back to King's Landing and encourage you to ride for Casterly Rock." You nodded and replaced your glove. Once Petyr left your tent, you finally let out a smile. You had to admit that you were extremely grateful you'd started you partnership with him. Now, you will have everything you ever wanted.    

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