Young Bride (Oberyn Martell x fem!reader)

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You weren't sure what you had done to make Oberyn unhappy, but you must have done something. You were standing before the Dornish prince, mouth open in shock and confusion. "Forgive me, my Prince, but what are you saying?" you asked him. "I cannot marry you, Y/N. You are free to explore Dorne and find someone more suitable to you." You laughed bitterly. "You accepted the arrangement my father made and now you tell me that you cannot marry me?"

Oberyn's dark eyes scanned your face. He couldn't tell if you were saddened or furious. Neither boded well for him. You clenched your fists at your sides. "May I ask why the change of heart, Prince Oberyn?" Definitely furious. Oberyn gave you what he hoped was a kind smile. "Dear Y/N, you are younger than some of my youngest daughters. I cannot marry you." You scoffed. "How old do you believe me to be?"

"You cannot be more than sixteen." You rolled your eyes. You were used to that. "My twentieth nameday is in six moons, my Prince." Without waiting for a response, you curtsied and left the room. You needed to put some space between you and the handsome prince, along with his beautiful paramour. You couldn't believe that Oberyn's only argument against your marriage was your age. Perhaps if your personalities clashed, you could see his side of things, but in truth, the two of you got along very well.

Oberyn was kind and sweet. He was gentle and yet extremely passionate in everything. He held a positive view of the world, but he also never lied to himself about the darkness in people's hearts, especially outside of Dorne. He hadn't treated you with anything other than a gentle heart since you arrived in Dorne, except now. You wanted nothing more than to leave his presence...his kingdom. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible and now? Now you had to stay and watch as Oberyn spent his days with his paramour, refusing to marry you.

*time skip*

Oberyn ran his hand down his face as he watched you. It had been months since he'd told you he couldn't marry you and now he was kicking himself. You had proven yourself to be a lovely and charming woman. Despite your anger at Oberyn, you never let it change the way you treated him and you even got along with Ellaria and his daughters. In truth, you made Oberyn fall for you in spite of his misgivings. Suddenly, your age didn't seem to matter as much, but Oberyn was certain that you could not love him. Not after the way he'd treated you.

He and Ellaria were watching as you trained with the Sand Snakes. You had asked Oberyn if you could shortly after his rejection just so you had something to do with yourself. "What troubles you, my love?" Ellaria asked him. She noticed that his eyes never left your form. She didn't blame him. Her daughters would not take it easy on you simply because you hadn't been training long. It was entirely possible for you to get hurt. "Do you think I was a fool?" Oberyn asked her and she smiled. "Yes I do."

Oberyn's gaze snapped to her and she laughed softly. "You turned her away so soon, Oberyn, you never got the chance to see the kind of woman she is. You were too focused on her years. I have spent time with her. She is a formidable woman, one that could capture and keep your interest for a very long time. She is caring and charming, yet you don't want to anger her. She is the perfect woman for you, Oberyn. She could keep you on your toes for years to come."

"Does this make you jealous?" Ellaria laughed again. "Of course not. If anything, she has intrigued me as well. I believe you should give her a chance. You may come to love her as I have." Oberyn quirked a brow. "You love her?" Ellaria nodded. "I do. She is interesting. I don't believe we shall ever be bored. Talk with her." With that, Ellaria pulled Oberyn in for a deep kiss before turning and leaving him alone with his thoughts.

You smiled when you finished your training. One of Ellaria and Oberyn's daughters pulled you into a hug. When you backed away, your eyes met Oberyn's and your smile drooped slightly. "Y/N, will you walk with me?" he called to you and you nodded. Not like you could deny the prince even if you wanted to.

You slowly approached your former betrothed. Your anger had melted soon after you'd felt it. You still weren't happy with the situation, but it wouldn't do any good to stay angry. It took too much energy to stay upset with the handsome man. Besides, he was so engaging that it was nearly impossible to stay angry anyway.

"What can I do for you, my prince?" you asked, smiling at him. He returned the smile and offered you his arm. Once you'd taken it, Oberyn lead you to a more secluded place in the palace. You glanced at his face and could automatically tell that something was bothering him. "What is it, Oberyn?" Oberyn was surprised to hear the concern in your voice. You reached over and cupped his cheek, making him look at you.

Oberyn sighed. "I do not have many regrets in my life, Y/N. There is one that will haunt me until I know how to fix it." You cocked your head to the side in confusion. "What?" Oberyn frowned a little. It was strange to see something other than a smile or flirty smirk on his face. "I made a mistake with you, Flower. I never should have broken our betrothal. I understand that now. My only question is whether you will forgive me."

"Of course, I forgive you, Oberyn. After thinking about it, I can understand your misgivings. You thought me younger than I am. And yes, I was angry, but it did not stop me from loving you." Oberyn's dark eyes searched your (e/c) ones in search of any sign of joking. Finding none, he grinned. "So you do love me?" You giggled. "How could I not, my prince? You are the best of men and I would be lucky to have you by my side. You and Ellaria."

"Will you reconsider our marriage then? Do me the honor of marrying me and becoming a Princess of Dorne?" He reached up and placed his hand on the one cupping his cheek. He wasn't going to let you run away. Not now. Not that you had any intention of doing so, but he wanted to be sure. "Of course, Oberyn. On one condition." Without wasting a second, Oberyn answered, "Name it. Whatever you want, Flower, it's yours!"

You let out a giggle. "Kiss me." Oberyn's soft smile turned into a wolfish grin. "I warn you, Y/N, once I kiss you, you'll never want another man's lips on yours again." You scoffed playfully. Then, you reached over with your other hand to touch his other cheek. "I already don't." Oberyn laugher merrily before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours in a very passionate kiss. Months of denied love and attraction made for a kiss you never thought you'd get. Oberyn was right. You would never want to kiss any other man after that.     

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