Awful (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader)

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(WARNINGS: MENTIONS OF ABUSE, violence, and death)

You fought back a sniffle as you walked away from your betrothed. The lord your father had promised you to was a horrible man. He didn't care one iota about you, your safety, or your happiness. The whole situation was awful, but you knew you had no choice but to obey your father. So, you suffered in silence and kept to yourself whenever possible.

"What's wrong with ya, girl?" a gruff voice made you jump. You looked over and saw Sandor standing there. "N-Nothing," you stuttered out. You couldn't get him involved. It would only make things worse for you. Sandor arched a brow. You hadn't known each other long but it seemed he could tell when you were lying. Sandor hummed, but didn't push you. You scurried away as quickly as you could.

From that day, it only got worse. You would often appear with bruises on your arms, or you would be crying for no apparent reason. Sandor made it his mission to figure out exactly what was going on with you. He knew women tended to be more emotional than men, but not you. Living in King's Landing, you learned how to keep your emotions in check. Finally, after nearly a month of seeing you acting so strangely, Sandor learned exactly what it was that was bothering you.

He heard the voices first. One was rough and demanding, the other soft and almost whimpering. Pleas echoed through the empty corridor. Sandor's brows furrowed as he followed the voices. For a man so big, he knew how to move quietly. He peeked around the corner to find you standing with your betrothed. The man was yelling at you, demeaning you. When he roughly grabbed your arm, Sandor lost it. He approached the two of you. "Let her go."

"Stay out of this. This is between me and my betrothed." You whimpered in pain again as his grip tightened. Sandor punched your betrothed, making the man let you go. Then, he carefully pushed you behind him, positioning himself between you and the lord. "Betrothed or not, ya don't have the right ta treat a lady that way," he said lowly.

Enraged, the lord did the dumbest thing he could. He pulled out his sword and brandished it at Sandor. Your eyes widened. No man in his right mind would try to take on the Hound. Apparently your betrothed wasn't in the right mind. He rushed Sandor, who sidestepped him and pushed him against the wall. His sword fell to the floor. Sandor let him go and turned away.

You betrothed picked up his sword and rushed Sandor again. "SANDOR!" you cried. In an instant, Sandor had his sword unsheathed and turned around. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you watched the two men fight. If, but some strange occurrence, Sandor lost, you knew you'd be in for it. If he won, you would still be in for it. Your mind was so confused as to what you wanted, but the decision was soon made for you as Sandor ran his sword through your betrothed.

He turned to face you with a grimace. "We have ta get out of here," he said with no real emotion. You were just standing there staring at him as your betrothed's blood flowed on the stone floor. "Girl!" he snapped. You jumped a little, shirking away from him. He sighed and lowered his voice. "Come on. We've got ta leave. When they find him, the first person they're gonna look at is ya. Ya need ta get out of the city." Nodding, you followed him to your chambers.

"Lock the door, grab what ya need. I'll be back in five minutes. Do not leave this room until I get back. Got it?" You nodded again and locked the door as soon as he left the room. In a daze, you threw some clothing in a bag, along with a few things you could sell for money later when you ran out of coin. You had no idea where you'd end up, but you knew Sandor was right. They would find a way to charge you with murder if you didn't leave the city right away.

True to his word, Sandor returned five minutes later, his own pack on his back. "Come on. They'll be comin' for ya any minute now." You followed him out to the stables and climbed up on your horse. "Thank you," you said suddenly, your voice barely above a whisper. Sandor grunted. "Ya can thank me when you're safe." The two of you rode away from King's Landing as the cries of murder began to carry through the Keep.    

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