chapter 89

167 10 19

Last time

*The last thing Pyrrha heard, before the call was disconnected was the sound of a rifle being shot*


*Adam eyes widened a little, since the bullet connected, but ruby wasn't injured, ruby after so long, finally activated her aura in a fight. She looked up, seeing Adam landing on the rooftop, she exploded into a petal of roses, and reappeared, at the roof next to his*

Ruby:sorry, but I can't die just yet....

Back to the past

Ruby:what the fuck dude my cactus juice?!

Adam:shut up, you snake whore...

*Ruby eyes squinted, memories of Jake flashing inside her mind, even with the cactus juice*

Ruby:what the fuck did you call me?

*Ruby growled out, but Adam was done talking, he gave a dashing scream, as he slashed at ruby, ruby jumped out of the way and shot the rampaging bull in his kneecap,  it didn't do anything but piss Adam off more. He kept charging at her, slashing without giving ruby a chance to breath, if she was slow by even an instance, she would get cut. Sadly, ruby was already tired from fighting the guards, so she couldn't keep this up forever, she felt the tip of Blush's barrel in her stomach, Adam shot her, the impact force was enough to send her flying backwards to the ground. Ruby groaned loudly, feeling a pool of blood escaping her body, into the floor. Ruby tried to crawl to her guns, to anything to defend herself, but felt the tip of wilt on the back of her neck, she screamed bloody murder, when Adam stepped on the bullet wound, hard*

Adam:this is where you die, you will NEVER infect the white fang, you fake faunus.

Ruby:fuck you....

*Ruby said, her heart was beating rapidly, her eyes moving around, trying to find a solution to this problem, a way out. That's when animal instincts of survival kicking in, as she screamed again, this time ruby activated her silver eyes making the whole room go white, blinding Adam. When he regained his vision, the rose was gone*

Ruby pov

*I was hiding in the darkness, one hand putting pressure on my gun wound, so that I don't bleed out, looking for my guns, or anything that could help me. I could hear Adam's footsteps coming closer, my vision was getting blurry, I was running out of time, that's when I saw my only way out*

3rd person

*Adam made it to the forge and looked around, he was following the trail of blood, this fight was long since over, he kicked out of the way a crate and saw nothing*

Ruby:looking for someone

*Adam turned around and shot blush, but he missed, ruby with a branding iron in hand, slammed the hot piece of metal on Adam's face, making him scream and fall do the ground. Ruby didn't let go, she kept putting all her strength into the pressure, branding Adam's right eye with the Schnee Dust Company's logo, permanently, so it can never be properly healed, not by a semblance and not by his own aura, this will be a mark that will stay with him till he's nothing more then worm food. Adam kicked ruby in the bullet wound, making her get off him, and in to the ground. Both former allies, were rolling side to side on the floor in pain. But ruby was the first to get up, she took a breath grabbing another branding iron, and slammed it on the bullet holes in her body, she grunted borderline screamed as the metal melted her skin, but it did close the hole. Ruby threw the branding iron away, and looked down, to her surprised, and horror, instead of a SDC brand permanently stuck on her body, the wound was completely closed, but it was covered in snake scales. Ruby didn't have time to question it, she looked at Adam still rolling on the ground, and the sound of Schnee reinforcement coming towards them, and coming fast. Ruby let a low growl escape her lips, as she walked to Adam and lifted him, putting his arm over her shoulder, both of them turned into a explosion of petals, and disappeared*

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