chapter 70

221 10 46

^ this playing throughout the chapter

Before with Glynda, Pyrrha and velvet

Pyrrha: she's where?!

*Pyrrha asked getting angry that Glynda would allow ruby to go on another mission so soon, but more angry at ruby for saying yes*

Glynda: she's on another mission with team JWBY, and please calm yourself, she'll be fine. Oobleck knows she's in no condition to fight, she'll just be a guide after that she'll rest for the majority of the trip, taking her pills

Velvet:well, that's a silver lining at least right?

*Velvet said with a bit of a forced smile lookingat Pyrrha, her animalistic instincts were telling her to move away from her, since Pyrrha looked so angry that you could almost see the red aura that was surrounding her*

Pyrrha:give me the location, I'm going there to make sure ruby is ok. And don't give me that crap that it's not necessary, or that she'll be fine. Ruby is my teammate, I'm her leader, but more then that I'm her friend. I'm going to vacuo, with or without your permission

Glynda:...very well, I can give you the location of the abandoned city they'll be heading, and warn oobleck. But please wait till I tell you what I need to say

*Glynda said taking a sip of her tea, and signalling Pyrrha to take a sip to calm herself. Pyrrha gave a frustrated breath and she sat back down, grabbing the cup she drank the hot liquid all at once*

Glynda:what do you know about Ruby's chip?

Velvet:that atlas placed a chip on her that made her a husk for years, and now gives ruby illusions of people who harmed her, or she disappointed

*Velvet said with a sad smile, Pyrrha glanced at her confused*

Pyrrha:how do you know that?

Velvet:i asked?

*Velvet said honestly, benefits of being a bunny girl, velvet let's her rubby velvet's ears in exchange for her to open up, and she explain as such to the other two who looked like they've been slapped*

Velvet: I'm cute and fluffy not even ruby can resist It

Glynda:hm, maybe an emotional support animal will help ruby nicely, something smaller then Zwei. But that's for another discussion. Yes atlas military did that, when Jake died the chip fried her brain, but ruby lived on. The reason I encourage her to go on the mission, is so that I could speak with atlas doctors, to see if they could somehow surgically remove the chip, as if it was a tumor

*Glynda explained, Pyrrha would be hopeful for her friend, if it wasn't for the frown on Glynda's face*

Pyrrha:so, what happened? Is it too dangerous to remove?

Glynda:no, it's not, because it's dead. And even if it wasn't, it wouldn't have caused the things, ruby claims that it does.

*Glynda said, such a simple sentence, but it sucked the air of velvet and Pyrrha, Glynda continued*

Glynda:the chip stopped working the day it electrocuted ruby, now is nothing but a decoration piece inside Ruby's brain,

Pyrrha:so the voices are nothing more then....

*Pyrrha muttered, figuring out the end of this conversation before Glynda could say it. Glynda sighed with a nod*

Glynda:yes. Ruby has schizophrenia. And it's far more severe then I originally thought....

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