chapter 48

329 11 15

Last time

Ruby:hm, its a long story. But to make it short, he's the devil I made a deal with

Glynda: I'm gonna need to hear that story

Ruby:fine, it was a hot day in vacuo....


Ruby:I  was walking across the desert, wearing a poncho to help my body, and my bandana was covering the lower half of my face so to not get burned by the sun harsh ray. I've been walking for days trying to find the base of operation of the millennium organization. Since I was working alone, I only had a general direction to go after. Since I'm retelling the story I'm just gonna skip to when I found it and not bore you all for the half month I've spend just walking the desert trying to find it


*It was dusk, the dark orange light covering the sandy country, ruby stood on top of a hill looking down to the base she was about to hit, she took out her goggles and looked around trying to find where they kept the slaves. After a bit of searching I found it and found the person looking after them to make sure they didn't run. Her name, zorin blitz, she had ash grey skin and short, spiky, orange hair. She was a very tall and muscular woman, She had narrow green eyes, with the right eye being much darker in color. But her most notable features are her tattoos. They consist of a large pentagram on her forehead, a purple spiral on her right shoulder, and innumerable letters covering the entire right side of her body or at least her face, neck, and arm*

Ruby:....what an ugly bitch heh we could be a matching pair

*Ruby muttered to herself looking at her reptilian side of her body. With a sigh, her eyes got determined, as she jumped down the hill sliding down the Sand dune, she reached the entrance and saw 2 soldiers guarding the entrance, ruby took out self and defense shooting them down, hitting on on its neck while the other got lucky and the bullet reached his heart. Ruby ran inside and hid herself on the shadows as more soldiers came to see the ruckus*

Zorin:alright, alright what's going on here?

Soldier:someone killed these soldiers. There probably around the base

Zorin:then what are you all standing around here?! Look for the culprit! And make sure there not here for the chest.

*Ruby heard, she ran making sure to stay in the shadows as the soldiers ran around looking for the culprit. Aka her, ruby made it to the slaves all locked together in one large cell as if they were canttle, whatever this group was protecting it sure wasn't them since there was nobody on guard anymore, ruby was quick to walk do the door and looked down at the large padlock keeping the slaves inside*


Jaune:oh! Are you gonna shoot the padlocks like in the movies?!

Ruby:....I don't know what kind of movies your watching, but that's a myth. A bullet can't break a padlock

Back to the past

*No a bullet couldn't break the lock, so ruby started hitting it with the bud of her gun trying to force it to open, ruby turned into a petal of roses and reappeared at a safe distance, where ruby was standing was now a Scythe stabbed to the ground*

Zorin:so, your here for the slaves? Who are you?

Ruby:the names is rose of vacuo, I'm here to free those slaves. You can either let us walk out of here, or die by my hands

*Ruby said pointing her guns at her, zorin just laughed, she grabbed a cigarette and placed it on her lips, she turned it on and started smoking, zorin raised her scythe and spins it to her back*

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