chapter 63

230 8 33

Day's later

At beacon

*We see the two teams there at ozpin's office, ozpin was sipping on his coffee as he read through the report pyrrha gave him. For obvious reason, they omitted certain aspects of the mission*

Ozpin:well, this all looks good. I congratulate you all on a job well done

Glynda:I agree, please leave and get some rest. Pyrrha and her team please stay a moment

*they nodded and stayed seated, Pyrrha eyes widen a little when neo kissed Ruby's cheek giving her a cheeky smile and winking at her*

Neo' let's hang out after this'

Ruby' I look forward do it'

*Neo left skipping, once the door closed did ruby cleaned her cheek from the pink smudge that was neo's lipstick*

Ozpin:I imagine things are going well?

Ruby:If you talking about my mission. Yeah, I should be part of there inner circle soon, they think I'm a fragile girl that they can manipulate

*Glynda and pyrrha shared the same look, but ruby ignored them both, she looked out the window and raised an eyebrow*

Ruby:well, that can't be good

*Everyone looked at where ruby was looking and there was atlas airship, multiple of them. Ozpin hummed having a calm expression on his face*

Ozpin:seems like James is trying to show strength. Well, let's wait for him to come. Miss rose please stay behind he will no doubt ask for you,

Ruby:fine, but if this some sort of plan for him to take me I'm gonna shot you before I'm captured

*Ruby said with a bit of venom behind her tone, she eyes squinted when ozpin didn't react, he just kept that knowing smile that bugged her so much. She glanced at her team*

Ruby:yeah, it's best if you 3 leave, he knows I was there but you 3 still have deniability

Pyrrha: we're a team, we're not leaving

*Pyrrha took an annoyed breath through her nose hearing the elevator button being pushed by Ren, the man could hold a grudge, Pyrrha gave Nora a look and with a nervous chuckle Nora started walking to drag Ren back to them*

Ruby:then your stupid for staying angel, if you stay it could ruin your whole career. Since they'll know you were involved, how do you think that's gonna look when your out of this place?

Pyrrha:I'm a famous champion knowned for speaking out against slavery, and buying them freedom. Do you honestly think i give a fuck about my reputation?

*Pyrrha asked with a raised eyebrow, in the background a black eyed Ren was sitting back down while Nora was cracking her knuckles sitting next to him. Ruby wanted to argue but just grumpled something and crossed her arms looking at the other direction with a pout. Pyrrha saw this as a victory and smiled*

Ozpin:well, now that that's settled, let's just wait for him. Knowing James he'll be coming with a small group of atlas soldiers. So don't be afraid

*They all waited for James to come into the room, ruby had her arm crossed, she leaned back on her chair and dipped her hat to hide her eyes. While she was ruby rose right now, she knew how to act like the rose of vacuo when she really needed it to. The door opened and in walked in James, winter, and a small group of atlas soldiers. The atlas soldiers all aimed there guns at ruby who was twirling her pistol around*

Ozpin:James, what an unexpected visit. And by unexpected I mean totally expected

James:this isn't a social call ozpin. I'm here to make an arrest

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