chapter 69

211 10 21

10 minutes after last chapter

*Ruby let go of yang and took some calming albeit shaky breaths, yang kept looking at her with concern*

Ruby: I'm.... better. If that's...why you're....worried about

*Ruby said slowly so to not stutter, yang with a reluctant hand rubbed Ruby's back*

Yang:if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you of the... reasons I of...the many reasons I...I drink, is so that I...I c..can have deniability... that I c..can live with....t...the decisions I've... I've made being...the! Of vacuo

*Ruby said taking a breath, yang instead of being, well yang. She kept quiet, she stayed patience, she did what people like Blake and Weiss been telling her to do, and just let ruby get close to her in her own pace*

Ruby:b..but today...moments before I...I peaked b.. behind the cur..curtain, a...and I didn't ha...have....anything to make the....memory fuzzy....fuzzy enough ignore it. That's one of the...the rea...reasons I....i drink, doesn't...doesn't make me forget... it makes the memories blurry

*Ruby said with a sigh, she rested her head on yang's shoulder. This is what yang wanted, to have her sister close, but not like this, not when she's feeling like this*

Yang:i...I don't know what to say ruby...

Ruby:I...I don't need.... don't need you to....say anything. I...I don't need, p...pretty words that ....that don't mean shit, I....I just need, some....some....comfort! Before...before....before I go to sleep

*Ruby said she knew better then to tell the truth on what she'll have to do tonight, she can see yang charging into the major's room and tearing him a new one, and that's not gonna work out for anyone involved. Yang taking her cue got up and started to walk out*

Ruby:tell....tell pretty boy come see....see me, need.... To talk to him...about things

Yang: sure.

*Yang  said as she walked out of Ruby's room and sat down on the living room couch, blake looked at her with a raised eyebrow*

Blake:is everything ok? You've been in there for a while

Yang:things are...fine. Jaune, ruby wants to talk to you

*Yang said, jaune nodded and left too see what she wanted help with, Blake didn't stop looking at yang and she sighed*

Yang:I...I got to help her, I got to hug her, and...and she hugged me back after so long, I got to spend time with my little sister...


*Blake asked, yang frowned and looked at her hands, the warmth she was feeling from touching ruby was slowly disappearing, she sighed*

Yang:I don't know, i can't say I didn't hype it up in my head, because I did. I can't say I didn't find enjoyment in her needing me because I did, but... Argh I can't even explain it!

*Yang said frustrated with herself, she's a simple woman, a woman who punches first and asks questions later. So she tried her best, she really did, but still felt so useless. Blake just patted her shoulder for support and both just watched the wall*

Yang:kinda sucks that this place doesn't have a TV, I could really use something to distract me

Blake:.... you see the black wall in front of us?

*Blake asked grabbing the controller and clicking it, the wall turned on, since it wasn't a wall but a huge TV the size of the wall*

Yang:my eyes are hurting

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