chapter 86

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Ruby:..... I'm not like that right?

Pyrrha:no, you actually have the skills to back it up. Ok! What's going on here?!

*Pyrrha said walking up to them. Blake and yang looked at Pyrrha with different emotions. Yang sighed in relief, as she knew Pyrrha could take care of things*


Yang: Pyrrha! Maybe you can knock some sense into Blake, she wants to walk in and attack there leader!

Blake: he's dangerous!

*Blake screamed, in the background ruby couldn't help but roll her eyes, at the notion of someone that Blake knows, being dangerous. Yang glared at Blake and screamed at her, something that oddly made Weiss proud*

Yang:and we are fucking students!!! We should be studying! We need to leave this to the professionals!

Blake:fuck the profesionals and fuck you!

*Blake screamed back, and again ruby couldn't help but cringe, since that sounded oddly familiar to something she would say to Pyrrha about therapy, the world was really making her eat some humble pie*

Pyrrha:alright, alright, let's all take a breath. Before we do anything. Blake, why don't you introduce us, to your friend, maybe that will help everyone calm down a little

Blake:....this is My new...acquaintance Sun Wukong

*Blake said, and sun smiled as brightly as Nora, but without so much the sugar rush energy our resident ginger hair girl has. His was a lot more laid back*

Pyrrha:hello there sun working

Sun:yo! Nice to meet y'all, and please call me sun. I'm a student from vacuo, and gotta say, Vale is not disappointing in showing me a good time. And hello there~

*Sun said walking to ruby, looking at her up and down, with a grin, since our monkey boy was a fan of a small girl, and ruby was the smallest there. Ruby could feel the disgust she has for males rising, since jaune is an exception to the rule*

Sun: what's a cutie like you called? can call me ruby

*Ruby said, without emotions, trying her best to act civil, since she knows if she doesn't that'll be ANOTHER thing, Pyrrha will make her talk about. So with gritted teeth she tried her best, to control her normally venomous tone, for males*

Ruby: it's....nice you

Sun:ruby? Like one ruby rose, the rose of vacuo? Man what rotten luck you have, having the name of that freak!

*Sun said laughing, and everyone absolutely froze, even Blake stopped being angry for a minute and looked at sun, shocked she wanted to stop it, but it was like looking at a car accident you just can't look away*

Ruby:oh? You don't like her?

Sun: like her? Ha! I met her once. And let me tell you something ohh that rose, mmmm that freaking rose, oh if I could do that day over again, I would give that girl such a what for. I would teach her a lesson with my guns

*Sun said with a smug grin flexing his arms to the girl who's two years younger than everyone else there, but sadly has more life experience then the rest. Now it was Pyrrha's time to be afraid, since ruby wasn't moving, she wasn't even showing any emotions on her face. That's when sun started to put the pieces together*

Sun:you do, you look a lot like ruby rose, you got, you got like the whole outlaw look going on, with the bandana and red gloves. You got the snake skin face, whole reptilian arm and tail. And everyone knows that the rose is now in vale.....

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