chapter 58

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Quick flashback

*Penny had her eyes covered by a cloth as ruby held her hand and took the lead*

Penny:where are you taking me rosy?

Ruby: it'll be worth it, remember when you said you've never seen the night sky?

*Ruby asked, it was a fake story penny had to memorize so that her target would sympathize with her*

Penny:yeah? The sun hurt when I first saw it

Ruby:well I'm gonna fix that

*Ruby said, penny could tell there was excitement behind her voice, penny gave a small chuckle*

Penny;but, I've already seen the night sky at the shack

Ruby:yeah, but not like this trust me. Ok where here

*Ruby took Penny's blindfold off and pointed up, Penny looked and her eyes widen. Unlike atlas that suffered from light pollution, in vacuo there was very little of that. And ruby had taken her to the best spot, for stargazing*

 And ruby had taken her to the best spot, for stargazing*

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Back to the present

Penny: shut up....

*Penny said as she took another swing harder then the last one, this one missed and destroyed a chair in it's place*

Ruby:how about when you celebrated my birthday, I know you remember that!

*Again Penny's eyes started to glitch out as she drop one of her weapon feeling a massive headache*

Quick flashback

*Ruby returned to the shack she calls home with a frustrating sigh, penny made her to errands all day, Zwei raised her head seeing her and gave a small roar as hello, ruby smiled softly at her pet*

Ruby:hey baby, Mama's home...

*Ruby mumbled as she opened the door and was instantly bombarded by a yell*

Penny: surprised!!!

*Penny screamed with a big smilez ruby looked around and there was a banner and a cake for 2. Ruby raised her eyebrow at her, and penny just kept smiling*

Ruby:penny, what is this?

Penny:it's your birthday silly, I know you can't remember the date, so! I decided that from now on this day shall be your birthday

Back to the present

Penny:I said shut up...!

*Penny's attacks were becoming sloppy making it easier for ruby to dodge, ruby managed to push penny against the wall holding her wrists*

Ruby: remember... remember when I gave you, your first kiss?

*Ruby said her face close to Penny, she could clearly see her eyes glitching in and out from green to red*

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