chapter 36

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Ruby:what the hell, might be a good story to tell while we eat. Bunny girl, I'll asked you to keep what I say here to yourself. I'm not big on sharing my past with people

Velvet:I won't tell a soul I promise

*Ruby opened her mouth completely again scaring velvet a little, she placed the whole slice in her mouth and swallowed*

Ruby:alright...this story of my life takes place a year before I came to beacon...



*Ruby was at the end of a bad fight, she was bleeding heavily, could barely stand and was currently hiding as her trembling hands try to reload at least one of her guns*


Velvet:what caused the fight? Like what happened to make you in that state?

Ruby:kinda ruins the mood I was creating but fine, I got this tip of where a large group of slaves were being sent before they were to be sold. I went there to try and rescue them, the tip was real but I got cocky and there was more defense then I was expecting, I managed to kill them all like the monsters they are. But I got hurt in the process, hurt bad.

Back to the past

Mike:come out little piggy, I'm not gonna hurt yah!

*Ruby heard the leader say. Ruby needed to act quick, she took a bullet putting it on her lips and opening it, she sprinkled the gunpowder on her deepest wound. She took a lighter out and pressed the fire on the powder. Ruby took a sharp breath as it took everything she had not to scream at the agonizing pain of the gunpowder cauterizing the wound. Once the wound was closed and no longer bleeding ruby grabbed defense and dashed out of the shadows*


*Mike pointed his gun, using his robotic eye to aim perfectly at ruby, shooting her in the abdomen*


Glynda;if he had perfect aim, why did he shoot you there?

Ruby:think about the reputation he'll get if he could say that he captured the rose of vacuo alive? Don't forget I may be in beacon but there's still a large bounty on my head. I can only imagine how much I'm worth if I'm sold at the slave market

*Ruby said with a bitter laugh remembering that place and how she managed to escape it. But that's a tale for another day*

Back to the past

*ruby felt the bullet pierced her skin but she endured it, before he could take another shot ruby aimed right under his head and blew his brains out. The body fell twitching the remaining seconds he had left of life away. With a soft breath ruby kneeled down and grabbed his keys, holding her side that's been shot. She slowly made it to the locked room and opened the door, she saw the placed filled with men woman and children, both human and faunus alike, all of them locked with chains against the wall*

Ruby:for those who can understand me, I'm the rose of vacuo and I'm here to free you all, after that I'll give you directions to a place where you'll be accepted and free


Ruby:I'll say it now. No, I'm not gonna tell you where that place is, that's something that I'll take to the grave with me. So don't bother asking

Back to the past

*Ruby heard a combination of cheers and crying all just thankful to be free, ruby nodded at them and started releasing them one by one, it took her a while maybe a few hours, but she did it. She gave them directions and the provisions of the slaver traders for the journey. Once outside multiple people started saying there goodbyes to the rose, some even hugging her. It was one of the few times ruby let it happen and even hug back*

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