chapter 82

169 9 40

Back at beacon

*We see team JWBY+ PR, in ozpin's office, they explained everything that happened in the trip, well at least the JWBY side, Pyrrha glanced at ruby, and elbowed her. Ruby winced a little and glared, at her, Pyrrha looked at her back, expectantly. They had a whole silent conversation, until ultimately Pyrrha won. So ruby raised her hand*

Ozpin:yes, miss rose?

Ruby: there's....something I would like do add, Pyrrha, Xiao long, and myself...went on a mission, while the other members of team JWBY and oobleck, were gone

*That got the attention of everyone in the room, oobleck and Glynda especially, since ruby was supposed to be resting. Ruby could feel her anxiety rising up, but when Pyrrha grabbed her pinky with hers, she calmed down, stopping her from talking in a stutter*

Ruby:one of, came In desperate need of assistance, and I agreed, and Glynda, I can feel your eyes burning a hole at the back of the head, the reward they gave me, for helping, was healing me completely, physically

Ozpin:so, your saying that your well enough to come back to school?

*Ozpin said, keeping the conversation going, and stopping Glynda, from speaking. Ruby nodded*

Ruby:yes, the mission can continue as planned

Ozpin:I see, seeing as you've yet to tell me, who this associate was, I imagine you have no intentions on doing so, am I correct?

*Ozpin said with that calculative smile, that told ruby, he already, knew or had an idea on who it was, and it just made ruby distrust him more. Ruby pursed her lips, and held Ruby's pinky finger tighter*

Ruby:no, no I will not. My associates has nothing to do, with the mission your paying me for. So drop it, before I drop you

Ozpin:fine, fine, you may all leave now. Except for Glynda, miss rose, and Xiao long. I need to speak with the two of you young ladies

*Ozpin said with a smile, ruby squinted her eyes, her tail rattling a little, her gut was telling her something was going on, something bad. She let go of Pyrrha's pinky, letting her get up, and leave with the rest, once the door closed, Ruby's free hand rested on the handle of her gun, just in case. Yang was glancing at ruby, with concern, the hand on the gun, didn't really help matters*

Ruby:well? I ain't got all day, I have to tell neo I'm back and get the plan back in action

Ozpin:this won't take long, to say at least. So I'll just come out and say it, Tai Xiao long came in, asking about you

*Yang felt as if her heart fell down to her stomach, she quickly stood up looking at ruby, her eyes showing so much desperation, for her to believe what she's gonna say*

Yang:i didn't tell him anything! I swear!!

Ruby:lower your voice, I know you didn't. Even you wouldn't be that stupid

*Ruby said more annoyed, that yang screamed into her ear, then the revelation, that tai was sniffing around. Ruby sighed and leaned back on her chair*

Ruby:where is he now, and how bad is the damage?

Ozpin:he's currently giving a class, while you were gone, I gave him oobleck class, to be there substitute. As for the damage, he doesn't know anything, I made it clear. That he'll have to talk, with you when you return. Which giving that oobleck is back, it should be any minute now

*Ozpin said taking a sip of his coffee, ruby sighed taking her flask out, and taking a sip of her grape soda. All the while yang was freaking out, thinking on what to do*

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