chapter 79

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*Ruby finished her monologue and started breathing heavily, her tail stopped rattling, Pyrrha tried to give ruby some physical comfort, but ruby pushed her away, and started walking away from them*

Ruby:This is what it means to be the rose of vacuo, I have to make the tough unimaginable choices, of choosing who gets free and who remains here to die. I have to make compromises in order to have all the necessary things I need to save people, if that means that a few people have to die in order for the majority to flourish? Then so fucking be it.

*Ruby was trying her best, but that little rant didn't make her feel any better, it just made her seething even more then before*

Ruby:argh, I need to be alone right now, you two find the lab, figure out just what the hell they were doing here, I'm gonna go free the slaves

*Ruby said opening the stairs door, and closing it loudly, Pyrrha sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, and looked at yang, Pyrrha wasn't mad at her mind you, since she had the same reaction, she was frustrated at the situation, she was frustrated that ruby was taking a step back in her recovery, and she was frustrated that she couldn't do anything about it right now. So she just looked at yang*

Pyrrha:come on, let's find the laboratory, and we can talk, about what happened

With ruby

*We see her walking down the Flight of stairs, walking pass the dead guards and scientists catnap killed, ruby was barely paying any attention to the dead corpses around her, she was more concentrated in looking around, just waiting for them to pop up*

Ruby:stop stalling! I know you guys are still there! Get it over with already!!

*Ruby screamed, almost almost slipping and hitting her head, but she held the bar railing just in time*

Ruby:look at that, I almost broke my neck out, isn't that pathetic?!

*Ruby screamed, and then gave a closed mouth scream of frustration when raven didn't pop up, she just kept walking down*

Ruby: it's fine, it's fine, they'll pop up, and then I'll be proven right, I don't need fucking pills, I've never needed pills, and the chip did in fact cause the hallucinations

*Ruby said out loud, not even believing it herself, but she was desperate to go back to the illusion, that all her mental problems, were caused by the chip. She took a breath when she made it to the basement door, that was ripped from its hinges. Ruby walked inside and turned on the light, the slaves there all looked at her, with concern in there eyes*

Ruby:For those who don't know, god sent me here, he has heard your prayers and have sent me, to free you from this life. I am the rose of vacuo

*Ruby said, and got the usual, the crying, the sighs of relief, people hugging, screams of joy, the whole nine yards. Seeing these people happy, just made ruby feel good about her choice, she started walking and opening the cages*

Ruby:but, none of this would've been possible without the prayers of one special individual, the man who never gave up hope, and kept praying for salvation, the same person who ripped the door open for us to escape

Susie:t..that was my brother! Mike! I..I thought he was crazy, where is he?! I have to apologize, to tell him I'm sorry telling him to give up hope

*Susie said, ruby looked at the trembling girl, with a big wobbly smile on her face, you would think, this would get something out of ruby, but no. She was too drained, and was numb to the world*

Ruby:sadly, God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers, he died, so that you all could live. But he told me to find, his sister, to tell her that he forgives her, and tell you he loves you

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