chapter 43

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Pyrrha:it said there was an emergency at beacon and that she won't be able to come back till late afternoon. It...uh, that's all it said yup


In beacon

*Of all the things Glynda goodwhich was expecting. This was not one of them, the second the elevator doors opened to ozpin's office, she saw yang Xiao long cuffed up to the chair, and Ren lie having a neutral look bit not looking at anyone, Nora was also there at the back just waiting for Ren to leave. Both of them looked like they took quite the beating. Ozpin looked up and gave her that same calculating smile he always gives*

Ozpin:ah, thank you for coming in such a short notice Glynda, please come and sit down. So that we can discuss what happened between these two

Glynda:it's fine, I have Miss nikos watching over miss rose while I'm here

*At the name of miss rose, Glynda noticed the change of reactions, Ren scowl become a little deeper and yang gave a little growl trying to harm him without success. With a sigh, Glynda sat down*

Glynda:now, before we begin. I'm gonna ask for the both of you to tell me your side of the story, mr. Lie since you seem the most calm, please do first

Ren:very well, I was making Nora some pancakes to cheer her up....

Mini flashback

*Ren was wearing a "don't do anything to the cook" while nora was wearing a "i want to do things do the cook" apron. They were in the public kitchen, Ren making a stack of pancakes as high as almost the ceiling for Nora, aka a normal day for the pair. Just as Ren flipped the last pancake to the plate, the door was kicked opened and In came a furious yang. only this time it was different, this wasn't one of her regular melt down over petty things. Her fire was red and her once golden hair was turning black, But Ren saw nothing of it, just yang being yang*

Ren:who are you looking do beat up this time Xiao long?

*at the slip of the tongue by Ren it only made yang all the more mad, one can only surmise that calling her the same way her sister calls her set her off*

Yang:I'm going to feed you, you're own heart

*Yang said, her tone unlike everything else that was screaming fury, her tone was ice cold. The next thing Ren knew he was punched thew a wall*

Back to the present

Ren:after that we fought until professor port came and stopped us both from continuing the battle

Ozpin:I see, from what I can see in the video footage, the ones you two didn't destroy at least, yang did throw the first punch

*Glynda was behind ozpin and looked at the fight from different angles. Yang looked more like an unstoppable beast then human*

Glynda"I guess all his stories aren't fake, if port could stop not one, but the both of them at the same time "

*Glynda thought thinking of the professor that's been here since even she was a student. Glynda looked at yang and took out her mouth muffler*

Glynda:now, miss Xiao long. Care to tell us your side of the story

Yang:gladly, I was doing some research on who the hell started those fucking rumors on ruby....

Mini flashback

*Yang had a group of girls corner as she glared at them, her eyes pure red and her hair on fire*

Yang:now I'm gonna ask you all one last time, unless you want to end up like your little friend there.

*Yang said with each word her hair would become brighter and brightly, the girls very briefly looked at there other friend, the girl was knocked unconscious against a big crater in the wall*

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