chapter 68

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*After the whole incident in the market, ruby got back control of her senses and took the lead*

Yang:so. Where are you taking us rubes?'s too late meet the person w..who contracted us. W...we have to stay t..the night, and I.. it's ruby n..not rubes

*Ruby said with a frown on her face, yang flinched a little and gave a forced smile, and a nervous chuckle*

Yang:right, right sorry

Oobleck:well, taking charge of this conversation before things get too awkward, between the two of you, where are you taking us? boss Bui....building

*Ruby said with a sigh, they were all confused, but ruby didn't say more then that, and if they asked she would clam up, after Pyrrha's little episode when she found out, ruby isn't exactly keen on telling people of her sponsor. They walked into a expensive looking building, inside they saw a blonde boy, the boy looked at ruby and smiled brightly*

Schrödinger:ah rose he...

*Ruby took her gun and shot the boy, exploding his face. Everyone was shocked that she did that, Weiss was more the a little sick since skull fragment and Brain matter landed on her outfit*

Weiss:w...what the hell was that?!

Schrödinger:the passcode of course you silly silly girl!

*Everyone snapped there heads and next to Weiss was Schrödinger looking without worse for wares, he was completely fine, they looked at the corpse but it disappeared, only proof that it was there was the blood, brain matter and skull fragments, ruby ignored them and walked to the elevator pressing the button*

Schrödinger:I know what your all thinking allow me to introduce myself. I am Warrant Officer Schrödinger, semblance Schrodinger's cat, I am both alive and dead at the same time, I'm everywhere and yet I'm nowhere

Oobleck: fascinating, so your a living paradox....

*Oobleck said making the boy smiled nodding his head, they all heard the elevator door opening and ruby whistling at them to hurry up*

Schrödinger:ah poo, you have to leave? What a shame. Well better get going, it's not wise to keep the major waiting

Blake: let's....let's just go up. Ruby seems to know what she's doing

*Blake said, they all collectively nodded and walked to the elevator, they got inside and closed the door, with Schrödinger smiling and waving at them as the door closed*

Yang:well...he was a nice boy

Ruby:man...he's....he's over 80, se.. semblance keeps him young

*Ruby stuttered out, making the other team surprised, and oobleck even more intrigued about the man. They didn't speak as the elevator made it to the top, when the door opened they saw Ruby's boss, a short fat man with a smile that just told you trouble.*

Max:ah miss rose, such a pleasure to see you again, and I see you brought work acquaintances, how charming.

Ruby:we need....shelter for....the night

*Ruby said slowly, struggling but managing to sat without stuttering, knowing better then to show weakness to this demon, max just smiled and snapped his finger and a large man in a faded green trench coat walked to them*

Max: but of course, never let it be knowed that I'm not a merciful man. Captain take this esteemed guests to there quarters for the night, miss rose stay a minute, there things we have to discuss

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