chapter 72

221 10 34

Author note:so I'm gonna be doing a bit of a retcon, on a event of Ruby's life, the time she spend with raven is now a whole year

Last time

Rose:you have to sleep sometime ruby, don't worry. Once you do I'll the there to protect you from everything....


*Team JWBY, oobleck and ruby has been on train for almost 3 days. To say yang was worried about ruby, well, she was well pass that point*



*Ruby grumpled, as she took the fresh pot of coffee and started drinking it, straight out of the pot. Yang frowned became even deeper*

Yang:ruby, we need to talk about this

Ruby:what I do, with myself is neither you, your teammates, or oobleck's business

*Ruby grumbled walking away from her, yang grabbed her shoulder, and ruby was so tired, she could only give a small hiss in response*

Yang:ruby, it's been 72 hours, and you have not slept

Ruby:my symptoms, are both manageable and none of your concern

*Ruby said weakly, moving her shoulder to get yang's hand off it, ruby kept walking but yang followed, concern for her sister*

Yang:what do you mean systems you are exhausted rubes!

Ruby:the serious.....

*Ruby almost fell on her face, yang flinched and felt her heart drop to her stomach, seeing ruby fall, but ruby caught herself and stood up straight*

Ruby:I go it, I'm fine. The serious symptoms haven't even started yet

Yang:what the fuck was that?!

*Yang yelled, her frustration winning, over her trying to be calm and understanding, but ruby was testing her patience*

Ruby:symptom 7, minor narcolepsy I'll get over it

Yang:you have it numbered?!

*Yang asked with her hands raised, ruby shrugged continuing to drink the pot of coffee*

Ruby:I have everything numbered, I'm organized, and it's not the first time I've done this

Yang:you are going to bed, this is not healthy!

*Yang said again, this time in a much more firm voice, ruby waved her hand dismissively, tempted in to giving yang the middle finger*

Ruby:I've done this before, last time was much worse

Yang:how do you get worse then 3 days?!

*Yang yelled tears of frustration falling from her face, ruby gave a hot breath, annoyed by yang's action*

Ruby: lot's of caffeine, and fear

Yang:how are you not dead?

*Yang asked crossing her arms, now ruby was really annoyed by yang's attitude, and a annoyed sleep deprived ruby, always goes for the yagular*

Ruby:because God loves me more then he loves you? Or maybe because my sick joke of a life that YOU FUCKING GAVE ME, is to entertaining for them to let me die?


*Yang stopped talking and looked hurt by ruby remembering her, the truth. that Ruby's like that because of her, and her stupid idea, to find raven. Yang turned around and walked away, ruby smirk seeing it as a victory and finished the pot, walking away, ignoring the fact that the other passengers, were turning into Jake, penny, raven and rose, in every seat*

The Rose Of Vacuo जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें