Chapter 50

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Last time

Pyrrha:oh I'll judge you plenty, how can you let those people be treated as you, how many of them are being raped like Jake raped you?!!

Now hours later

*The day ended and ruby has yet to leave her room in Glynda's home. We see Glynda in front of the door as she knocked on it*

Ruby:just come in

*Glynda heard from the other side, Glynda opened the door and as expected the room was a mess with things broken on the floor, she looked at ruby who was doing pulls ups in the closet*

Glynda:I'm not gonna ask what happened to the room. But why are you doing pull ups?

Ruby:because I can't do anything else to calm me down. I can't shoot since my guns are at beacon, I can't ride since I've yet to fix miracle, I can't snuggle since it's far too late to visit Zwei, i can't sleep since thanks to pyrrha I know memories of what that sick fuck did to me will be fresh in my mind when I'm off to dream land

*Ruby said with venom in her tone as she grunted, she's being doing pull ups for hours just trying to keep her mind distracted, by the burning pain of her tired arms. Glynda of course noticed that ruby didn't call Pyrrha "angel" but she waited for ruby to finish*

Ruby:and most importantly I can't drink because of the fucking medication I'm on. So I'm doing this.

Glynda:and I imagine that talking about it is the last thing you want to do?

*Glynda said and as expected, ruby gave out a bitter, harsh but tired laugh*

Ruby:talk about shit you already knew about? Come on your a smart women, you know first hand what people do to slaves, only difference is you do nothing to stop it

Glynda;now that's just not true I...

*Ruby cut her off as she kept talking, almost monologuing to herself, a small part of Glynda wondered if ruby was talking to her, or herself*

Ruby;oh sure, you'll speak out. Say how the practice is vile and disgusting, but when it comes down to it, you'll do next to nothing to change things, since it doesn't affect you, it's the same with every other mother fucker who's truly free. Since it doesn't affect them they don't care.

*Ruby drops to the floor, now that she finally finished the burning sensation in her arms hit her twice as hard*

Ruby;Me? Oh I'm different i actually make a difference, but the second, the moment they find out that there precious hero isn't as amazing as they thought she was then it all suddenly changed. Since now I'M the bad guy right?!

*Ruby said with a sneere, she started pacing around the room letting her frustrations out*

Ruby:since I don't save everybody that suddenly means that everything I did suddenly doesn't count!? Because yeah fuck me, I don't get to feel good about saving people, since I'm letting others suffer. Well who the hell are they to judge me?! I'm just 15 years old god damn it!!!

*Ruby punched the wall or tried too, ruby looked up at glynda, Ruby's fist was in the palm of her hand. Glynda just saved ruby from breaking her fingers, since unlike Ruby's old wooden home, Glynda's was made of bricks. Ruby flinched when Glynda rubbed her hand, trying to give the small care some comfort. But ruby was quick to pull her hand away, looking down at the ground*

Ruby:I'm...I'm just 15 years old. And I did a good thing, I've spend 5 years saving people, I've saved thousands by making that deal, so why does that make me a bad person? Why does everybody looks at me with disgust when they figure out the truth, why....

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