chapter 4

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Yang:it i...I don't even know where to begin

Ruby:why am I not surprised, you've lived in a lie so long that the truth if foreign do you

*Ruby said softly before coughing, it took everyone else in the room for a fright seeing ruby awake so quickly*

Ruby:if you don't want to I'll gladly tell it. So listen children and listen well as i tell you the tale of the worst sister that ever existed yang Xiao long...


Yang:r..ruby your awake!

*Yang tried to get up from her bed but was still weak from the poison ruby gave her, ruby rattled her tail hissing at her*

Ruby:you get near me and I'll pump so much poison inside you that not even the doctors will be able to save you Xiao long!!

*Ruby growled looking at yang with nothing but hatred behind her eyes, yang stopped what she was doing and started to silently cry hugging herself looking down, Blake walked next to her putting her arm on her shoulder for support, Blake glared at ruby who glared right back*

Ruby:try me little cat just try me I've taken down people much bigger then you. And you, how the hell did you survive that that bomb had over 600 million volts of electricity

*Ruby said looking at Nora who was grinning still practically vibrating from place to place*


Ruby:. . .yeah, I didn't understand a lick of that

Ren: her semblance is called high voltage whenever she gets electricity in her system she gets a boost in all her physical aspects and given your horse heart/bomb there was twice as powerful as a lightning bolt it's a miracle your not a splash of blood on a wall

Ruby:really then why don't I feel so lucky? God my chest is killing me

*Ruby said groaning slowly as she sat up right on the bed, Pyrrha went to help her but ruby raised her hand to stop her*

Ruby:the only ones that need help are those that can't do it by themselves I don't need the help of a city slicking girl

*Ruby said through gritted teeth as she got in a comfortable position*

Pyrrha:fine,but Nora did break 18 of your ribs and gave you a collapsed lung even an aura have limits you'll be bedridden for at least a month giving what the doctors said

Ruby:noted now be a doll and bring me my hat

*Pyrrha obliged giving ruby her hat back, ruby tipped her hat to Pyrrha*

Ruby:Román is right it just isn't the same without you gal


Yang:how do you know that man?!

Ruby;that's nobody business but my own so drop it

Weiss:we certainly won't you will

*Everyone eyes widen as ruby managed break the chains of her cuffs and jump to Weiss. Ruby grabbed her by her throat slamming her to the wall with a snarl blood coming down ruby's mouth as she smile hearing every single weapon pointing towards her, she looked at Weiss who was struggling, ruby's claws piercing her precious silky smooth skin. Behind ruby's eyes was nothing but hatred for this woman more specifically her last name*

 Behind ruby's eyes was nothing but hatred for this woman more specifically her last name*

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