chapter 3

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Ruby:4 weaklings vs one strong rattlesnake now this should be interesting.....

*Ruby used her petals to dash right in front of Ren taking him by surprise a ruby gave him an innocent smile of a little girl, she was holding ren's wrists stopping him from taking out his guns*

Ruby: don't you agree?


*Ruby jumped out of the way as Nora hit Ren with her hammer sending him flying crashing through a window, ruby landed behind Nora and kicked her right in the kidneys causing the air to leave Nora's body, ruby turned around showing she was in possession of one of ren's guns and started shooting at Blake who was shadow stepping away from the bullets. Ruby moved her head in time as a bullet grazed her cheek cutting it, ruby hissed and jumped out of the way hiding behind a barrel as Ren started shooting at her. Ruby started to look around for something to use as she could hear them getting closer. Ruby smirked as she whistle*

Ruby: baby girl show them why they'll need a miracle to survive!

*They all looked confused until they heard the sound of a minigun charging up. They turned around to see ruby's horse miracle face split in half and out came a 8 barrel head of the minigun it started spinning and shooting out of control everywhere. While the team of hunters were busy finding shelter, ruby managed to slither away to think of a plan*

Pyrrha:oh no you don't!!

*Ruby screamed as she fell on the floor with pyrrha's spear jammed on her shoulder. Grinding her teeth she got up and managed to walk away*

Scene change

*Things were not looking good for ruby, not looking good at all, as Pyrrha and her team managed to get every single civilian in the town to come out to listen to what they had to say while ruby wasn't trapped by any sense of the word. She was just waiting to see what her opponents will do*

Pyrrha:people of the Mojave in this town there's a wanted woman known as the rose of vacuo I have it in authority that whoever can get her to us will be rewarded handsomely my higher ups have offered a reward of 500,000 liens! This offers is only good until 1 day from now so scout out and search for your reward!

*the people started to get riled up some going to there home to get there guns while others with gun in hands went looking for ruby*

Ruby:that much for little old me? I would be flattered if I wasn't so insulted

*The pastor only hummed as he finished patching ruby up*

Pastor don:hm quite, here's the cactus juice you've asked

*Ruby grabbed it and took a sip while she looked down, currently she was at the bell tower of the town's church looking at the people as nothing more then ants*

Ruby: surprised your not down there itching to get the reward money

Don:I'm a follower of God, and money is the root of all evil my child

Ruby:hm well since your about the only person I respect in this shit hole of a town I'll get out of your hair rather not get you involved in it

Don:I appreciate that, come my child I'll take you to the back door

Ruby:what? Not scared that someone will see us together?

Don: we both know your about the only person that even bothers to listen to an old man with a believe that's long since died out

*Ruby hummed as they walked to the door, don gave ruby his cane making ruby look at him weirdly*

Don:gotta protect yourself somehow I'm sure the lady that build a horse that can transform in to a shotgun will find a way to use a wooden cane to at least go down fighting

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