chapter 71

212 10 19

Author note:

Let's make y'all cry

In the morning

*Ruby opened the door to the hotel room, she saw the team already awake, just sitting down to have breakfast. Everyone looked at her, ruby looked awful, her hair was a mess, bags under her eyes starting to appear, and red eyes from tiredness and tears, ruby ignored them and walked to the small fridge*

Oobleck:ah, miss rose! So that coffee?

Ruby:it is, no, I'm not sharing

*Ruby said taking out of the fridge some cold brew coffee in soda cans. Oobleck almost had stars in his eyes, but ruby slapped his hand away from her cans, and mumbled something, ruby yawned and pinched of her nose*

Ruby:just...just putting it out there so you won't ask, I woke up early and went for a run. Now I'm going to take a shower

Oobleck:that's fine, but first take your medication, then you can take a shower

*Oobleck said putting the pills on the counter, ruby didn't have the energy to fight it, or even complain. Just as she was about to take them, her hand froze for a moment, since the new voice in her head wanted to put in her two cents*

Rose:that's a good bell, keep taking those pills, I'm sure there working. I'm sure there not just sugar pills to keep you weak for ozpin's ploy

Ruby:shut up...

*Ruby muttered weakly, taking the pills and drinking them down with her coffee, she gagged, even with the coffee the awful after taste of the pills didn't go away*

Ruby:god i hate these pills

Rose:the stop taking them, you don't need them. Your strong enough on your own

*Rose said with a loving smile on her face, ruby ignored her, ruby was waving back and forth, the signs of fatigue was clear for anyone to see....well anyone but jaune, but he's special. Ruby ignored oobleck and whatever he was talking about the mission. She cracked opened another can and walked to the bathroom while drinking it*

Minutes later

With team Jwby

*Yang was tapping her leg fast on the floor glancing at the bathroom door, they could hear the water running, so it was safe to talk about ruby*

Yang:I know something not right, she's clearly not ok, I should go talk to her, do you think I should go talk to her?

Weiss:no, no I do not. I know she talked to you last night, but that was because she was in a real vulnerable position. But things have changed, she seems like she's back to her normal self, if not a tired version of it, I wouldn't rock the boat if I was you

*Weiss said honestly, no sarcasm, no rich snob attitude, she was genuinely trying to help yang. And yang hated it, she sighed bitting her lower lip, she knew Weiss was right, and it was killimg her. Yang felt Blake's hand in her shoulder for support*

With ruby

*Ruby got out of the shower and dried herself off, she was mumbling things to herself, all meaningless pep talks trying to get herself to feel better, but after last night, it was all pretty much useless, she looked at herself in the mirror, the make up was starting to come off, she could just make out the scales if she looked hard enough, the remind her of who she really is*

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